- – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, investigating the wild tactics used by Potto Parish Council to circumvent due process, ignore Council procedures – and the law – whilst spending £5,580 of public money on repairs to this finger-sign (pictured above) that should have cost far less than £1,000. This article exposes several of Potto Parish Council’s nefarious tactics, which, incidentally, again substantiates why the damning 2022 Public Interest Report was so thoroughly well-founded. (All Potto articles may be reviewed here).
- pre-heating;
- welding;
- sand/bead blasting;
- repainting, etc.

We can probably assume that the Clerk/RFO’s customary inattention to detail explains the futuristic date.
Before moving on, I would add that a closer (i.e. magnified) examination of the 24th August 2018 Invoice reveals a number of grounds for concern:
This suggests to me that it was not the Potto Parish Clerk/RFO, Mrs Joanne STOREY, who authorised the work – her name does not terminate with the letter ‘N‘ (or ‘n‘).
This in turn, suggests that the work was authorised either by Councillor Mrs Elma GRIFFIN or – far more likely – for it was he who authorised the highly suspicious bridleway work (see “Where’s the Money?” [Pt. 2]), Councillor Iain McPHERSON.
However, I have been unable to locate either an Agenda Item or a minuted Resolution such as would confer delegated powers onto either of the above-named Councillors to authorise work on behalf of the Council. Perhaps Councillor McPHERSON takes on this role of procurator general voluntarily – for reasons which only he could confirm?