Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Savile: At Last, The Whitby Gazette Coverage!

Savile: At Last, The Whitby Gazette Coverage!

  • – Crime and Parliamentary Affairs Correspondent Tim Hicks reports on the belated entry of the Whitby Gazette into the Jimmy Savile scandal.


Following the most recent NYE article on Savile: “Jimmy Savile NHS reports issued”, in which we again raised the connection between Jimmy Savile, Peter Jaconelli and their offending in Whitby:


The Whitby Gazette has now published an article on the Savile investigation into allegations of offending at the Whitby Memorial Hospital under the title “Savile’s Whitby Links:  The Mystery Deepens along with a photograph connecting him to Peter Jaconelli.

Whitby Town Councillor Simon PARKES (Labour) has just posted on a popular local FaceBook page:

“I have the greatest admiration for the investigative journalism that refused to be shut up by the many vested interest groups – the full truth about this Satanist and paedophile is not yet out………..


See also the comments of Councillor Mike Ward in his article Jaconelli:  Is it so wrong to say thank you or sorry?”.

Of all the vested interest groups that are trying to supress the truth, none has more to lose, or is doing more to supress the truth than North Yorkshire Police.  Among the many failures by the British Police Service to arrest Savile, all of them pale into insignificnce with the repeated failures of North Yorkshire Police, which are:

  1. The failure to arrest Jaconelli which would certainly have led them to Savile.  Jaconelli was a paedophile and rapist, who corrupted children into prostitution and operated openly, who was left alone by North Yorkshire Police because he was a wealthy businessman, Mayor, Conservative Councillor and Alderman, and ran the now notorious Ippon Judo Club.
  2. The failure to investigate complaints we understand that the Police received about Savile – who operated openly in Whitby, with Jaconelli, in the 1970’s
  3. The failure to investigate intelligence that North Yorkshire Police admit it had on Savile in 2003 or earlier.
  4. The failure to pass on the intelligence it had on Savile to the Surrey investigation in 2007, which North Yorkshire Police now admits it had in its possession.

This is perhaps why the Deputy Chief Constable Tim Madgwick has threatened to arrest a NYE journalist for commenting on North Yorkshire Police.

In the recent BBC ‘Inside Out’ documentary on our investigations, and which vindicated all of them, BBC Presenter Chris Jackson made a point of saying that, like other mainstream media organisations, the BBC would not publish all of our allegations.  So it is good to see the Whitby Gazette put its head above the parapet and start covering local news even if it is controversial, twenty months after we started covering it.

It is also good that the mainstream media, including the Scarborough News, the Sunday Express and Private Eye, are now following stories developed by the NYE team.

As Councillor Parkes states,  the full truth about Savile has not yet come out – but the North Yorks Enquirer will do everything it can to ensure it is brought to the public domain.



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