Police 7: Community Policing March ’23
The NYE’s Police 7 articles are intended to be a one stop shop for our readers covering crime prevention advice, court reports, police appeals for assistance, local community policing news, information on victim support, updates from the North Yorkshire Police (NYP) and the Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner (PFCC) for North Yorkshire and the Coroner.
Police 7 has been one of our most popular features with our readers, who appreciate getting regular updates from the police via the NYE.
We lead these articles with a photograph of the late Shaw Taylor, as a tribute to him. Shaw was a groundbreaking forensic journalist, who pioneered police media appeals for information in the programme Police 5. His work led to the successful conclusion of many casses in the UK, Europe and the United States through local programmes that followed the pioneering format of his original programme called Police 5 in 1962.
The NYE will continue to immediately publish urgent appeals for information from North Yorkshire Police (NYP), in missing person’s cases etc.
The following witness appeals and court reports may be of particular relevance to our readers and can be accessed from the NYP website. Address below.
Witness Appeals
Hunmanby Sexual Assault
Police investigating a sexual assault in Hunmanby are appealing for residents who live near Fountayne Road, Rowedale Close, Violet Grove, Hungate Lane, Vicarage Close, Stonegate, Bowling Green Lane and Priest Close who may have heard screaming between 8.30pm and 9.30pm on Wednesday 5th April 2023 to come forward.
The incident is reported to have occurred in an alleyway in the village between the above times.
To reassure residents, this incident is isolated in nature and there is no identified risk to the wider community.
The victim is receiving specialist support and the suspect has been arrested. Following questioning, he was released on conditional bail while enquiries continue.
If you can help the investigation, please email rob.wilcockson@northyorkshire.police.uk or call 101, select Option 2, and ask for Rob Wilcockson. Please quote reference number 12230060804 when providing details.
Scarborough Burglary
An outbuilding in the car park of the Gallows Close Community Centre in Scarborough was broken into and several bikes were taken between 3:00pm and 7:30pm on Monday 3rd April 2023.
Damage was also been caused to two other outbuildings belonging to the centre.
Anyone who may have witnessed the incident itself or any suspicious activity in the area on that evening should email holly.marshall@northyorkshire.police.uk or call 101, select Option 2, and ask for Holly Marshall.
Filey Arson Attacks
NYP is investigating a series of fires started in the Filey area:
- On the evening of Wednesday 15th March 2023 several fires were started at the rear of properties on West Avenue.
- On Thursday 16th March 2023 fires were started on Pasture Crescent and Station Avenue.
- On Saturday 1st April 2023 a property was set alight at Lowfield Caravan Park.
All these incidents occurred between 3:00pm and 8:00pm.
PC Jacob Rushworth from the Filey response team commented:
“At this time, it’s fortunate that nobody has been seriously hurt. “We’re now asking the public to assist us with any information that will help us identify those involved.
This could include CCTV camera footage, ring doorbell or dash cam footage. We would also be keen to hear from anyone who has noticed a person’s clothes that smell distinctly of smoke.
High-visibility patrols will be taking place within the Filey area to provide reassurance and schools will also be visited after the Easter break to discuss fire safety.”
If you have any information that can assist the investigation, then please call NYP on 101, select Option 2 and ask for Jacob Rushworth. Alternatively, you can email jacob.rushworth@northyorkshire.police.uk
Please quote the North Yorkshire Police reference number 12230057858 when passing information.
Scarborough Collision
Just after 1:00pm on Tuesday 28th March 2023, a white estate vehicle which collided with a pedal cyclist. The pedal cyclist, an 88-year-old man suffered minor injuries. The vehicle did not stop at the scene of the collision.
Police are appealing for witnesses to the collision or anyone who recalls seeing the vehicle prior to the collision, to get in touch as soon as possible to assist the investigation. In particular, officers are appealing for witnesses to the collision and any CCTV or Dashcam footage of the incident.
If you can help, please contact North Yorkshire Police on 101, select Option 2, and ask for Josh Hocken. Or email josh.hocken@northyorkshire.police.uk.
Please quote the North Yorkshire Police reference number 12230055684 when passing information.
Anyone with information is asked to make a report via the North Yorkshire Police website or by calling 101.
If you would prefer to remain anonymous, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
Court Reports, Crime Prevention and Victim Support:
Police Officer convicted of sexual assault
PC Joseph McCabe, aged 27, was convicted of sexual assault sentenced at York Magistrates Court and received a six-month sentence, suspended for 24 months, as well as a three-year restraining order and a requirement to complete rehabilitation programmes. He is currently suspended from duty. An accelerated misconduct hearing will now be considered at a future date.
The court heard McCabe and the victim, who were known to each other, were sharing a hotel room following a social event last summer. The victim described how, during the night, McCabe picked her up and put her on his bed, and stroked her arm. She returned to her own bed, but later McCabe pulled her hair with such force she fell out of bed. He also shouted at the victim several times to get into bed with him.
Following the verdict, Deputy Chief Constable Mabs Hussain said:
“Our communities need to know that they can have complete trust in their police, and that we demand the highest level of integrity from our officers and staff.
McCabe’s disgraceful actions fell far below that standard. I commend the victim for her courage in coming forward so we could take action. I also hope the case sends a clear message that there is no place for this behaviour in policing – and that we will secure justice against perpetrators, no matter who they are.”
Violent Scarborough domestic abuser jailed
Jack Gates received a six-year prison sentence on Friday the 31st of March at York Crown Court after pleading guilty to wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm against his ex-partner, possession of a knife, and criminal damage.
Detective Constable Kelly Sharp from Scarborough and Ryedale CID, who led the investigation, said:
“The victim has been extremely brave throughout this harrowing case and is relieved that Gates has finally admitted to what he put her through on that terrible night.
She is happy to be moving on from this ordeal and I wish her nothing but the best for the future.
I also want to highlight the courage of the witness who heard the victim screaming for help and tried to intervene. She saw Gates holding a large knife while he was stood over the victim in the garden. They were both covered in blood and it must have been a terrifying situation to be in.
She did the right thing and dialled 999 for an emergency police and ambulance response.”
NYP urges any victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or rape to please come forward, no matter when it happened.
If you’d like to report online, rather than speaking to an officer by telephone in the first instance, you can securely and confidentially report rape or sexual assault to us online.
Sexual Assault Referral Centre
If you prefer not to speak to the police, you can contact the North Yorkshire Sexual Assault Referral Centre, known as Bridge House.
Call 0330 223 0362 or email bridgehouse.sarc@nhs.net.
If someone you know has been raped or sexually assaulted, and doesn’t feel able to speak to the police yet, please report it yourself using any of the methods above. NYP will record the incident and help you to support the victim if needed.
Other useful links:
- Independent Domestic Abuse Services IDAS Telephone 03000 110 110.
- Sexual Health Clinic Telephone: 01904 721111.
- Yorkshire MESMAC Sexual health services for BAME people, LGBTQ+ people, sex workers and those with drug and alcohol dependency.
- Survive, York Rebuilding lives after sexual assault Rape Support Line 0300 111 0777 – Tuesdays 5:00pm to 7:00pm and Wednesdays 5:00pm to 9:00pm.
- National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC) Offers national support line and support groups for adult survivors of all types of childhood abuse, including physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect. Helpline: 0808 801 0331
- Victim Support A national charity dedicated to helping anyone affected by crime – not just victims and witnesses, but friends, family and anyone else caught up in the aftermath.
- Rape Crisis A national charity offering confidential help, advice and a range of Rape Crisis Centres around the UK.