Saturday, February 15, 2025

Peter Jaconelli to be Stripped of Honours

Peter Jaconelli to be Stripped of Honours

Following allegations made by Real Whitby contributors over the past eighteen months and featured on the BBC “Inside Out” documentary broadcast on 10th February 2014, this draft  Motion has now appeared on the Scarborough Borough Council website, here:

The Motion includes no recognition of the investigative work carried out by the Real Whitby team.

Notice of motion for Council on Monday 12 May 2014.

Proposed by Cllr Tom Fox and seconded by Cllr Derek Bastiman

I ask that Council moves the following for immediate and permanentresolution in respect of Peter Jaconelli

  • That the honour of ‘Alderman’ be removed forthwith;
  • That the honour of the title ‘Mayor’ be removed forthwith;
  • That all reference to Peter Jaconelli as ‘former Mayor’ cease:

• To include the permanent removal of his name from the honours board for the Alderman of the Borough and Mayor of the Borough;

This Council and successor Councils respect the resolution to include no endorsing or supporting matters brought forward in his name such as memorials, street and/or property naming or other high recognition, office or award in his memory.

And to the victims:-

This Council publicly praises the courage of those who have come forward after such a long time to report such serious crimes

Following on from ‘giving victims a voice’ we recognise and continue to have empathy with all victims, whoever the offender, whatever the situation including empathy and support for those who have yet to come forward.


[With thanks to Keith Meatheringham of the Dobson Agency for use of the photograph of Peter Jaconelli in Mayoral robes and chain].

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