Friday, February 14, 2025

Mr Goodwill, About Your Covid19 Vaccine

Autumn is just around the corner. We know what that means. Harvest Festival. Leaves falling from trees. Darker nights. Bonfires. Fireworks. Toffee apples. Christmas advertisements in September and of course the more modern Covid19 scariant announcements and the subsequent Covid19 vaccination drive at the local jabbatoir.

So I decided to write to the local MP to see if he still a fervent supporter of the Covid19 “vaccination” programme.


Dear Mr Goodwill,

I see your globalist government is starting to push Covid19 vaccinations heavily again with the advent of a new “variant” aka scariant.

As one of those who saw through your lies very quickly I am going to remind you of the harm you have done.

In 1976 the US Govt introduced a Swine Flu vaccine. 1 in 124,000 of the vaccines administered caused a serious adverse effect. The result of information caused the vaccine to be withdrawn and the head of the government body to be sacked.

In 2020 the UK Govt introduced a Covid19 mRNA vaccine (actually a gene therapy treatment). 1 in 800 of the vaccines administered caused a serious adverse effect. The result of this serious information caused the UK Conservative Govt to do nothing. Absolutely nothing.,reported%20for%20vaccines%20in%20general

In the Borough of Scarborough your Covid19 vaccine has caused over 100 people to experience a serious adverse effect. Some of those people died as a result of your support for the vaccine.

I see in true time honoured Conservative Party fashion, you are staying in situ until the next election and filling your grubby, blood soaked hands with our money. I expected nothing less of you.

If you had any shred of decency you would have resigned and spoken up for the people you represent. But you’re a compromised, party first kind of bloke.

Tim Thorne


If Robber Bob decides to reply, I shall put up the reply here so you can all read his pathetic excuses for killing people with Covid19 gene therapy treatments.

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