Monday, February 10, 2025

DBID: YCLPA releases Consultation Results

DBID: YCLPA releases Consultation Results

Ahead of the meeting of Scarborough Borough Council on Monday 4th November 2019, Yorkshire Coast Levy Payers Association (YCLPA) has made public the results of the Consultation process undertaken by the organisation, addressing the identical electorate (comprising ‘qualifying’ businesses – i.e. businesses operating from premises with an RV in excess of £12K per annum) identified by Mosaic Ltd as part of the statutory process authorising the establishment of Yorkshire Coast BID Ltd (YCBID) last year.

Headline figures appeared in the Enquirer on Friday 1st November 2019. Councillors in contact with the Enquirer have expressed shock and (in some cases) alarm concerning the light the figures cast on the thoroughness of the original Mosaic ballot.

A lively debate is to be anticipated at Monday’s meeting of Full Council (Town Hall, 2:00pm) when the following Motion comes before members. (Full analysis of the behind-the-scenes manoeuvring to boot concerns about the ballot into the long grass, here).


I therefore propose that in the interests of prudence and good practice, this Council instigates an independent and impartial investigation of the legitimacy of the Yorkshire Coast DBID ballot process.

Unofficial sources suggest that a similar Motion will be raised at East Riding of Yorkshire Council (ERYC) when it meets in two weeks time.

One of the many SBC Councillors who supports the ABBOTT/CHATT Motion told the Enquirer:

“I hope members realise that the credibility of the Council now hangs on this issue. I am not saying there has been any wrongdoing. But I am saying that the Council needs to get to the bottom of this and be seen to have gotten to the bottom of it. The Marriott investigation* didn’t achieve that and it did the Council no credit at all. We have to do better. We have to be seen to be taking our business rate payers seriously.”

[* This is a reference to His Honour Humphrey Forrest’s slamming of the SBC internal investigation into the Marriott corruption allegations as “a complete whitewash”.]

The YCLPA Consultation forms part of an extensive evidence ‘bundle’ provided to the Secretary of State detailing the YCLPA’s revised Appeal, which is now fully compliant with the relevant criteria – and some. Readers – especially Councillors – are invited to take out a minute or two to examine the Consultation Results for themselves:

Download the PDF file YCLPA_Consultation.

Yorkshire Coast BID Ltd’s Chair Mr Clive Rowe-Evans, accompanied by CEO Ms Kerry Carruthers, will be hosting a ‘behind-closed-doors’ presentation to Councillors 90 minutes before Full Council. Although this presentation is not open to the public, Full Council most certainly is. YCLPA members will be conducting an orderly protest outside the Town Hall ahead of the meeting before taking their places in the public gallery. Councillors from ERYC have pledged to attend. Television cameras are also expected to be present.

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