Monday, February 10, 2025

Chief Constable supports extra scrutiny re child sexual exploitation

Chief Constable supports extra scrutiny in fight against child sexual exploitation

Specialist detectives from North Yorkshire Police are due to present a “health check” report to the Police and Crime Commissioner to help provide public reassurance that everything is being done to safeguard children from sexual exploitation.


Julia Mulligan, North Yorkshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, has today (9 October 2014) confirmed plans for a thematic in depth ‘health check’ into North Yorkshire Police’s practices and procedures relating to Child Sexual Exploitation. 

The ‘health check’ was agreed at a Corporate Performance and Scrutiny Group on 10 September 2014.

A presentation and summary report will be presented to the Commissioner and Chief Constable, Dave Jones, on Wednesday 15 October 2014.

In the recent past, both the Commissioner and Chief Constable have invested additional resources into the Protecting Vulnerable Persons (PVP) Units, together with the implementation of a SARC (Sexual Assault Referral Centre), PVP Safeguarding Hub, and additional specialist victim care services.

The Commissioner recognises recent independent Inspections (Ofsted/HMIC and HMIP) have commented favourably upon safeguarding procedures between the police and its partners.

However within the wider context of national concerns following recent coverage of sexual abuse in Rotherham, Rochdale and elsewhere considers such a ‘health check’ necessary to reassure the public of North Yorkshire.

A formal Terms of Reference has been agreed, and the report will seek to summarise strengths and areas for improvement against recognised national best practice.

Commenting on the health check, Julia Mulligan said, 

“Child Sexual Exploitation is quite rightly a top priority for both myself and North Yorkshire Police, and on behalf of the public I need to by fully reassured this is being dealt with appropriately. 

I have asked the Chief Constable for a comprehensive update on our plans to tackle this issue, how we are working with partners, and most importantly, what we are doing to safeguard children from sexual exploitation.”

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