CCW: OfSTED Gamesmanship?
- an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reporting an a ‘leaked’ report concerning allegations of Inspection Fraud at Caedmon College Whitby.
This correspondent has now had sight of a complaint document that is purportedly receiving attention from the Secretary of State for Education The Rt Hon Justine Greening MP and Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector OfSTED Amanda SPIELMAN. In it, multiple allegations are delineated concerning procedures implemented at Caedmon College Whitby during the recent OfSTED Inspection (1st/2nd February 2017), as well as the previous Inspection (15th/16th January 2014 – i.e. preceding the amalgamation of WCC and Caedmon School). Presumably, NYCC Corporate Director: Children & Young People’s Services Pete DWYER is by now also in receipt of the same material
The allegations centre around carefully orchestrated procedures for removing selected students – almost exclusively Special Educational Needs (SEN) students – from the purview of the Inspectors during the Inspection period, such as:
- channelling selected students away from the classroom environment for ‘pretext interviews’,
- advising parents to keep students at home for “cooling off” periods coinciding with Inspection days,
- ferrying selected students to Outdoor Activity Centre at East Barnaby,
- channelling selected students to other off-site facilities during Inspection days,
- moving selected students into isolation during Inspection days,
- re-visiting ‘past offences’ (for which students had previously been punished) to facilitate the removal of said students from the purview of the Inspectors,
- shuffling certain staff and students between sites, timed in such a way as to avoid contact with the Inspectors.
Readers who have personal knowledge of events of this nature at CCW during the Inspection days are invited to submit their accounts, in strictest confidence, to , where they will be appropriately anonymised and passed to the relevant authorities. Thank you.