Monday 02nd September 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "Scarborough Borough Council" Tag

Scarborough Open Air Theatre – “Blue Murder”

Blue Murder At The Scarborough Open Air Theatre – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD. Confusion surrounds the right to hold events at Scarborough’s Open Air Theatre, with some parties suggesting no concerts can be held there this [...]

May 21, 2012 Scarborough Borough Council

True Cost of iPads

True Cost of iPads I covered the decision taken to buy the iPads for SBC Councillors and Officers in an article a while ago, went into some depth why the decision was flawed and why they are a poor investment. [...]

May 11, 2012 Scarborough Borough Council

An Informed Decision

I popped along to the Town Hall / Futurist meeting at the Royal Hotel on Wed 2nd May and I find myself confused on how to respond to the Town Hall Accommodation Consultation, which can be completed online here. There [...]

May 6, 2012 Scarborough Borough Council

North York Moors Potash – Void Space Waste Disposal?

North York Moors Potash – Void Space Waste Disposal? – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD ~~~~~ In my view, in a society in which greed and self-interest number amongst the most compelling of motivations, it is prudent [...]

May 5, 2012 North York Moors National Park Authority, Scarborough Borough Council

“Two-Faced Double-Dipper” – CodHead 031

“Two-Faced Double-Dipper” As the ‘double-dipping’ row kicks off in earnest, Codhead homes in on Councillor Brian Simpson, the renowned ‘floor-walker’. ‘Floor-walker’ is the epithet applied to any Councillor who switches allegiance from one political party to another in accordance with [...]

April 27, 2012 Cartoons

Council Tax: the North/South Divide

A Letter to the Editor from Richard INESON, commenting on the disparity in Council Tax charges between southern and northern local authorities. Readers may wonder why a Band D property in Westminster comes in at £684.52 per annum, compared to [...]

April 10, 2012 Letters

Local Councillors Broadband Expense Claims

Here are those Councillor Broadband expenses in full. The sources for the information are listed below if you wish to confirm them against my figures. Councillor 2010/11 2009/10 2008/9 2007/8 2006/7 BACKHOUSE G A (SBC) £255.00 £255.00 £255.00 £255.00 £255.00 [...]

April 9, 2012 North Yorkshire County Council, Scarborough Borough Council

Open Letter: NYCC Leader Cllr John WEIGHELL

Open Letter: NYCC Leader Cllr John WEIGHELL Re: DOUBLE-DIPPING John, It is a while since we spoke. With reference to NYCC’s promotional article on Page 17 of the Whitby Gazette of Friday 6th April 2012, entitl ed “Council always watching [...]

April 7, 2012 North Yorkshire County Council, Scarborough Borough Council

Eternal Vigilance

Eternal Vigilance – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD ~ IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST Thomas JEFFERSON, Founding Father and principle author of the US Declaration of Independence, is credited with this dictum: “The price of democracy is eternal [...]

March 26, 2012 Misc

The £53k Question

On Friday Feb 24th 2012, Councillors attending a full Council meeting at Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) voted themselves some new shiny iPads, but new facts have come to light that will cast doubt upon the information given to them. Originally [...]

March 13, 2012 Scarborough Borough Council