In a letter bristling with brazen hypocrisy, Labour’s North Yorkshire Leader, Councillor Eric Broadbent, has called out the North Yorkshire Tories for increasing their councillor allowance by 2.5% per annum. I can hear many of you saying you agree with [...]
In a satirical spirit, the North Yorks Enquirer presents the ninety-ninth in a continuing series of so-called “Photoons” – cartoons developed from digital photographs – highlighting the more amusing aspects of current affairs in North Yorkshire and far beyond. Readers [...]
Real Whitby, Private Eye, the BBC and the faceless Public Servants IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST Following a nine-month long in-depth BBC ‘legal eagle’ scrutiny of our numerous reports on Real Whitby regarding evidence of corruption in North Yorkshire, on Monday [...]
You may remember an article about the free Broadband connection that Hambleton District Council (HDC) provides to a number of their elected members that I published a few months ago. You may also remember that HDC went to great lengths [...]
Ethics versus Expediency @ NYCC an ‘In My View’ article by Nigel Ward, reporting on the balancing act – between Ethics and Expediency; between what is morally right and what is merely convenient – performed by Monitoring Officers in attempting [...]
In January this year, FOI questions were put to Hambleton District Council attempting to find out what their policy was regarding Broadband and the Council’s forty-four elected members. It turned out that the Council provided a Broadband connection free of [...]
All has been quiet on the Double-Dipping front for some time now; not really surprising given that North Yorkshire County Council elections were scheduled for the 2nd May. No-one was willing to stick their head above the parapet, given it [...]
Trimming the lawns, pruning the plants . . . – an “In My View” article, by Nigel Ward. IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST Corruption Buster Nigel Ward interrupts the schedule of his series of exposés describing the fraud and forgery surrounding [...]
“2 Heads R Better Than 1” CodHead has picked up on the fact that Councillor Eric Broadband – begging pardon, ERIC BROADBENT – is the only Labour Party Councillor to have been caught out double-dipping his Broadband/IT Allowances (from North [...]
N Yorks Council CEO under renewed pressure – an ‘In My View’ article by Nigel Ward ~ Talking to a ‘tame’ Councillor last week, I discovered that there are still some people who see nothing wrong with ‘double-dipping’ – the [...]