Tuesday 09th July 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "District" Category

West Pier: “Carry on Regardless!”

West Pier: “Carry on Regardless!” North Yorks Enquirer Harbours correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS reports on an apparent disregard of reality on the part of Scarborough Borough Council (which will cease to exist on 31st March 2023). The Council seems to be [...]

February 14, 2023 Scarborough Borough Council

YCBID: A Compendium of Famous ‘Fails’

YCBID: A Compendium of Famous ‘Fails’ A Letter to the Editor from regular correspondent WILLIAM PARKIN, who has made his own careful study of the performance of the Yorkshire Coast Business Improvement District (BID) Ltd., as compared to an extravagant [...]

February 9, 2023 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

“A Clean Getaway?”

In a satirical spirit, the North Yorks Enquirer presents the two-hundred-and-fifty-fifth in a continuing series of so-called “Photoons” – cartoons developed from digital photographs – highlighting the more amusing aspects of current affairs in North Yorkshire and far beyond. Readers [...]

February 5, 2023 Photoons, Scarborough Borough Council

“Time for Truth”

“Time for Truth” An Open Letter to the Mayor of Scarborough, Councillor Eric BROADBENT [Lab.] from NIGEL WARD. An appeal on behalf of the many – not the few. A shot at redemption, no less. ~~~~~ Councillor Eric BROADBENT – [...]

February 3, 2023 Scarborough Borough Council

YCBID: A Pig’s Ear in the VAT

Today’s Letter to the Editor, from regular correspondent WILLIAM PARKIN, responds to an article by NIGEL WARD published on the Enquirer under the title “SBC’s YCBID VAT Defense WRECKED!” on Monday 30th January 2023. It is uncanny how it is [...]

January 31, 2023 East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Scarborough Borough Council


SBC’s YCBID VAT Defence WRECKED! – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, offering the briefest of introduction to conclusive evidence of a famous victory. ~~~~~ The Enquirer has been covering the dispute over SBC’s treatment of VAT in [...]

January 30, 2023 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC Accounts Objections Multiplying

SBC Accounts Objections Multiplying – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, updating readers on the tottering status of Scarborough Borough Council’s seven years of crangled Accounts. ~~~~~ The Audit Committee of Scarborough Borough Council is scheduled to meet [...]

January 23, 2023 Scarborough Borough Council

YCBID: On the Ropes?

YCBID: On the Ropes? A Letter to the Editor from regular correspondent WILLIAM PARKIN, drawing attention to a public disclosure by East Riding of Yorkshire Council that should surely be mirrored by Scarborough Borough Council but (guess what) is not. [...]

January 23, 2023 East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

Potto: Where’s the Money? [Pt 2]

Potto: Where’s the Money [Pt 2] – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, presenting Part 2 of an article about the financial affairs of Potto Parish Council, examining the opacity around the Councils financial performance, and begging the [...]

January 21, 2023 Hambleton District Council, Potto

UNISON: Update re Harrogate Borough Council

UNISON PRESS RELEASE – UPDATE There has been no formal engagement with the Trade Unions or staff in relation to Harrogate staff having to transfer to Veritau rather than North Yorkshire. We are therefore somewhat angry that Harrogate Council is [...]

January 19, 2023 Harrogate Borough Council