Saturday 31st August 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

All posts by Letters

YCBID Not Viable?

YCBID Not Viable? A Letter to the Editor from WILLIAM PARKIN, of Staithes, questioning the viability, ‘going forward’, of the Yorkshire Coast BID Ltd. Is it time to invoke Article 18 of the BID (England) Regulations 2004? ~~~~~ Dear Editor [...]

February 9, 2022 Letters

“Than Meets the Eye”

A Letter to the Editor from CHRIS RIDDOLS of Eskdaleside, whose eagle eye has spotted what appears to be evidence of Scarborough Borough Council “feathering the nest” of the soon-to-be Scarborough Town Council – at the cost of the wider [...]

January 19, 2022 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

“Allegra and the Chief”

“Allegra and the Chief” A Letter to the Editor from NUJ journalist, TIM HICKS. ~~~~~ Sir, I write concerning the recent scandal over alleged breaches of the Coronavirus regulations by members of staff from No 10 Downing Street has been handled [...]

December 17, 2021 Letters

Deputy Mayor Speaks Out

Deputy Mayor Speaks Out A Letter to the Editor (and to her fellow Councillors and the people of the Borough) by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Roxanne MURPHY (pictured above), who hopes to elicit some sense of responsibility in the Leadership [...]

November 7, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC ARGOS Business Case Not Viable

SBC ARGOS Business Case Not Viable A Letter to the Editor from NICK GREEN, casting a banker’s eye over the business case for the project to ‘regenerate’ the former ARGOS building. ~~~~~ Dear Editor Following on from the Residents meeting [...]

October 25, 2021 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

“An Arresting Image”

“An Arresting Image” A Letter to the Editor from NYE Police & Crime correspondent TIM HICKS, commenting on the extreme anti-social behaviour of a SBC Labour Councillor – and the subsequent widespread public demand for her immediate resignation. Readers wishing to [...]

September 25, 2021 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

Letter: That Siddons Interview

Letter to the Editor: That Councillor Siddons Interview Sir, I am writing to chip in my two-penn’orth on the recent spate of articles in the NYE on the controversy over the Council’s management of Whitby and Scarborough Harbours. I think [...]

July 28, 2021 Letters, Scarborough Borough Council

SIDDONS – Judicial Review or Public Apology

SIDDONS – Judicial Review or Public Apology While the rest of the Borough tittered at the expense of SBC Leader Councillor Steve SIDDONS [Lab.], who made a complete ass of himself in his interview with BBC Look North last Thursday 22nd [...]

July 26, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

Six Grand Questions

Six Grand Questions An Open Letter to Mr Clive ROWE-EVANS, Chair and Director of Yorkshire Coast Business Improvement District (YCBID, from a levy refusenik seeking information in the public interest. Just asking . . . ~~~~~ Dear Clive, I understand that [...]

July 9, 2021 Scarborough Borough Council

Yorkshire Coast Deserves Better than YCBID 

Yorkshire Coast Deserves Better than YCBID  A very timely Letter to the Editor from a local businessman, criticising the establishment and performance of the Yorkshire Coast BID. ~~~~~ Dear Sir, It will be nearly 2 years this August that the [...]

March 23, 2021 Letters