Thursday 29th August 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

All posts by Guest Author

Time For A SHAKE-UP!

Time For A SHAKE-UP! Guest Author MIKE WARD spells out the methodology of the Scarborough Tories’ spin factory. ~~~~~ The Cash Cow that is Whitby: The Plug-hole that is SBC  Scarborough Borough Council continues to take the ‘proverbial’ out of [...]

November 12, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council

CEO’s Weekend in Paris?

CEO’s Weekend in Paris? Following recent articles (here and here) concerning hitherto undisclosed “operational costs” paid out by Scarborough Borough Council under the heading ‘Open Air Theatre’, Guest Author BOB ROBERTS has been trawling the SBC website for other gems [...]

October 22, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council

OAT: Number-Juggling

OAT: Number-Juggling Guest Author ALI WILKINS catches a few dropped balls in SBC’s OAT ‘reputational management’ campaign – otherwsie known as the Cuffe & Taylor Benefit Society. ~~~~~ I read with interest the article in the Scarborough News concerning the [...]

October 18, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council

“Universal Credit & Mental Health”

Today’s Guest Author slot is given over to an unexpected facet of World Mental Health Day – clinical depression caused or exacerbated by the financial pressure experienced by Universal Credit claimants. ~~~~~ Today is World Mental Health Day – and [...]

October 10, 2018 Misc

SBC: ‘We Are NEVER Wrong!’

SBC: ‘We Are NEVER Wrong!’ Guest Author, former SBC Independent Councillor, MIKE WARD, advocates the abolition of North Yorkshire’s Borough and District Councils and would bid fare-thee-well to their wildly over-paid top Officers. ~~~~~ “But then there was one…” SBC [...]

September 17, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council

“Open Air Loser”

An Open Letter from TONY RANDERSON (a Councillor at both North Yorkshire County Council and Scarborough Borough Council) to Councillor Martin Smith [Con.], Portfolio Holder for Tourism regarding the financial disaster known locally as “the OAT”. OAT losses were first [...]

September 14, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council

“Let’s Not Bother”

Guest Author BOB ROBERTS sums up SBC’s lackadaisical attitude to Health & Safety. ~~~~~ The response by SBC with regard to the end of the “Swan Princess” boat-trips around Peasholm Lake raises some interesting points on just how this Council [...]

September 12, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC September Council Review

SBC September Council Review by ALI WILKINS, bringing the 3rd September meeting of SBC Full Council to a wider audience, without losing (or spending) a penny. And presenting that long-running Scarborough farce ‘That’s Not The Way To Do It!’. ~~~~~ [...]

September 11, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council

STRANGEWAY Champions CSA Victim

STRANGEWAY Champions CSA Victim Anti-corruption and transparency campaigner Andy STRANGEWAY, who is an independent Independent East Riding of Yorkshire Councillor for the Pocklington Provincial Ward, has published – with the consent of the victim – allegations of an extraordinary ‘Duty [...]

August 29, 2018 East Riding of Yorkshire Council

Britney Jeers

Britney Jeers Guest Author ALI WILKINS reviews the OAT event of the year. ~~~~~ With all the hype in the last months about the coming of Britney to the OAT it was sad, to say the least, that her concert [...]

August 22, 2018 Scarborough Borough Council