Thursday 29th August 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

All posts by Guest Author

Scarborough Borough Council  2020?

Happy New Year’s Eve from the NYE Today’s Guest Author is former SBC and WTC Councillor MIKE WARD, writing about the present dynamic of our Borough Council and how it will shape the coming year at SBC. ~~~~~ Scarborough Borough [...]

December 31, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

STRANGEWAY Pursues ‘No Filming’ Complaints

STRANGEWAY Pursues ‘No Filming’ Complaints Enquirer regular ANDY STRANGEWAY has lodged two separate Formal Complaints against SBC’s Director of Legal & Democratic Services Mrs Lisa Dixon, following her misinterpretation of statute authorising public filming/recording of public meetings at the Town [...]

December 26, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC: “We Disagree With Recording Legislation”

Readers will no doubt appreciate an update on Guest Author ANDY STRANGEWAY’s challenge to SBC’s unlawful signage attempting to prohibit the right of members of the public to film and record meetings from the Public Gallery of the SBC Council [...]

December 20, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

Leeming Bar PSPO: Truckers Knife Crime Victims

Leeming Bar PSPO: Truckers Knife Crime Victims Guest Author ANDY STRANGEWAY continues to debunk the unenforceable Leeming Bar PSPO. ~~~~~ Leeming Bar  PSPO: Truckers Knife Crime Victims I am shocked to learn that Leeming Bar Truckers on 27 November became [...]

December 13, 2019 Hambleton District Council

Back to the Futurist

Back to the Futurist Today’s Guest Author is the ever-popular former SBC elected member NORMAN MURPHY, offering his ‘take’ on what went wrong – and how it is yet to be put right. ~~~~~ It is beyond doubt that many [...]

December 1, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

Robbing Vincent to Pay Paul

Robbing Vincent to Pay Paul North Yorks Enquirer Harbours Correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS identifies a typical soft-shoe-shuffle around the Puzzle Palace money-go-round. The Scarborough Harbour Reserve Fund has been taken short . . . ~~~~~ The Harbour Reserve Fund is being [...]

November 27, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

Leeming Bar Parking Ban – Game Over

Leeming Bar Parking Ban – Game Over Guest Author ANDY STRANGEWAY wraps up six months of campaigning to blow away Hambleton District Council’s deeply flawed Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) at Leeming Bar. Coming soon to a PSPO near you! [...]

November 24, 2019 Hambleton District Council

“The Cinematographer’s Party”

Guest author ALI WILKINS reports on the Planning Consent for the Northside Multiplex Cinema. ~~~~~ Five years down the line and we are still waiting for the promised Multiplex Cinema.  Many of you will know from my previous articles I [...]

November 19, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

Scarborough Borough Dredger Hits Harbour Paydirt

Scarborough Borough Dredger Hits Harbour Paydirt NYE Harbours correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS reports on another inefficient disbursement of public funds. ~~~~~ In 2014, a Report entitled ‘Scarborough Borough Dredging System Overview’ and authored by the Borough Harbour Master Capt Ian Vasey, [...]

November 16, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council

“Ignorance or Contempt?”

“Ignorance or Contempt?” Guest Author ANDY STRANGEWAY, having attended the SBC Full Council meeting on Monday 4th November 2019, was shocked to note that the Council, whilst loudly trumpeting “openness and transparency” is, in fact, breaking the law in relation [...]

November 5, 2019 Scarborough Borough Council