Thursday 29th August 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

All posts by Guest Author

That Cornwall £3M Loan

That Cornwall £3M Loan Guest Author NORMAN MURPHY has been doing some homework on the subject of that £3 million short-term loan to Cornwall (Unitary) Council – and thereby spins a speculative tale of runaway debt, with a very disturbing [...]

September 2, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

A Fishy Smell at Scarborough Harbour

A Fishy Smell at Scarborough Harbour NYE Harbours correspondent  ALLAN ROBERTS presents a timeline (gleaned entirely from public record documentation) which typifies the cavalier approach taken by Scarborough Borough Council to its duties to consult ratepayers/residents before embarking on significant [...]

August 26, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

Randerson’s Folly 

Randerson’s Folly  Guest Author (and former SBC Councillor) Stormin’ NORMAN MURPHY is less than impressed with Officer/Member communications at SBC – otherwise known as “the tail wagging the dog” (facilitated, always, by the gullibility/stupidity of the dog). Here is why [...]

August 17, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

Sealife Centre Signage  – Waste of Resources

Sealife Centre Signage  – Waste of Resources by ANDY STRANGEWAY ~~~~~ Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) yesterday wasted further resources by erecting signage at the Sealife Centre stating “No Overnight Camping/Caravans“. Unfortunately, SBC failed to appreciate that they have no legal framework [...]

August 4, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

Double U-Turn on the YCBID

Double U-Turn on the YCBID In response to a bizarre report in the Scarborough News, Guest Author NORMAN MURPHY delivers a retrospective on the rise and fall in favour of the Yorkshire Coast BID in the eyes of the SBC [...]

July 27, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

SBC’s ‘Dynamic Duo’

SBC’s ‘Dynamic Duo’ Guest Author NORMAN MURPHY explores the nuts and bolts of the ‘fantastical’ ARGOS project. ~~~~~ I suppose, like most people, I was greatly relieved to see that the Council’s proposed £22 million re-development of the old ARGOS [...]

July 4, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

“Money for Nothing”

“Money for Nothing” A Letter to the Editor from BRIAN MATHEWS of Scarborough who has been examining the recent efforts of the Borough’s least favourite tourism promotion agency – and found them wanting. ~~~~~ Dear Editor, Yorkshire Coast BID – [...]

June 12, 2020 Letters

Billy Dumb’s Circus

Billy Dumb’s Circus Today’s Guest Author is none other than former SBC Councillor and current voice of the people Stormin’ NORMAN MURPHY, crtiticising the fudged ‘Zoom’ meeting over the ARGOS/TOWN SQUARE madness. ~~~~~ Sadly, as many people have commented, the [...]

June 10, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council

HDC Fails to Enforce Parking Tickets

HDC Fails to Enforce Parking Tickets Campaigner ANDY STRANGEWAY, today’s Guest Author, celebrates one year since he visited, in company with Enquirer regular NIGEL WARD, Hambleton District Councillor Carl LES [Con.] Leader of North Yorkshire County Council, at the Leeming [...]

June 4, 2020 Hambleton District Council

Duty Of Care – Working From Home

Duty Of Care – Working From Home Campaigner and occasional Guest Author ANDY STRANGEWAY has posed a very interesting series of questions to SBC CEO Mr Mike GREENE (pictured above) – questions which may well have a far wider impact. He [...]

June 2, 2020 Scarborough Borough Council