Chief Officers’ Expenses: How other Forces do it
Introduction: Increase in Police Precept forecast
The BBC have recently run a series of articles on how multiple Police Chiefs are asking for more funding from the Home Office to avoid cutting the numbers of Police Officers and civilian staff (here).
I suspect that this will be used in North Yorkshire to justify an increase in the North Yorkshire Police Precept.
Last year, the Police Precept (which partially funds policing in North Yorkshire) increased by about 4%, the figures from the York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Crime and Policing’s website can be seen here.
No-one likes to think of someone losing their job, or Police numbers being cut. However, under the present circumstances, the NYE is opposed to any increase in the Police Precept until such time as North Yorkshire Police (NYP) reforms and meets normal standards of financial control, the same as other Forces.
A History of Misuse of Police Funds by Senior NYP Police Officers
In a recent NYE article, I identified how some NYP Senior Officers have ripped off the North Yorkshire taxpayer over the years (here). My best estimate is that £2.7 million pounds has been misused by a long line of Senor Officers.
The latest abuse to emerge is that Chief Officers have been routinely staying in hotels within North Yorkshire, instead of travelling home.
In the article I stated:
“…..herewith I invite NYP Chief Constable Forber, NYP Assistant Chief Officer Stitt, Chief Financial Officer Branford-White and/or Deputy Mayor Coles to respond to the NYE with a justification for the expenditure contained in the above spreadsheet, or confirmation that the individuals concerned have been asked to repay the money. Should such a response be received then it will be published in full in the NYE.”
I then went on to say to our readership:
“However, don’t hold out your hopes.”
How does NYP compare to other Forces?
Well, needless to say, my words were prophetic. Predictably, I have had no response. No-one questions the figures or denies that there has been massive and ongoing misuse – and, in some cases, fraud – by Senior Police Officers involving Police funds. They just prefer to ignore the problem.
It occurred to me that it may be useful to identify how Senior Police Officers from other Forces claim expenses. Amongst the best is Devon & Cornwall Police. By way of example, please see below the expenses for the period 1 January 2024 to 31 March 2024 of Temporary Deputy Chief Constable Dave Thorne, who is currently acting as Chief Constable.
Chief Constable Dave Thorne’s Expenses (Devon & Cornwall Police)
Of note is that:
- The explanatory notes specify clearly and openly when expenses can be charged and what is allowable.
- The analysis distinguishes between expenditure on Devon & Cornwall Police business and National Police Chiefs Council business.
- The only hotel accommodation charged is from far outside the Devon & Cornwall Police Force Area, the reason for it is stated openly and is obviously bona fide.
- There is sufficient narrative to reveal why the expenditure was incurred, that it is bona fide and within Force Policy.
- All the expenditure appears reasonable and above board.
So how does this compare to the expenses of NYPs very own car-wash queen Chief Constable Tim Forber, whose expenses can be seen below.
Chief Constable Tim Forber’s Expenses (North Yorshire Police)
Unfortunately, Chief Constable Forber was only appointed in April, so there are no expenses for the period 1 January 2024 to 31 March 2024. But nevertheless, some comparisons can be made:
- There are no explanatory notes specifying what is allowable expenditure.
- There is no analysis between expenditure on NYP business and National Police Chiefs Council business.
- The only hotel accommodation charged is inside North Yorkshire, which is unnecessary because Chief Constable Forber could have hopped in his car and travelled home. There is no explanation of why this expenditure was incurred or what the justification is for it.
- There is insufficient narrative to reveal why most of the expenditure was incurred and what is the justification for it. My favorite is £3.99 Chief Constable Forber (salary £154,000 p/a) claimed for a car wash, instead of washing his car at a police garage.
- In the first three months of his service from 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024 Chief Constable Forber claimed £310.29 almost all of it hotels in North Yorkshire and therefore presumably on NYP business. In comparison, in the three-month period 1 January 2024 to 31 March 2024 of Temporary Deputy Chief Constable Thorne claimed £120.88 on Devon & Cornwall Police business. All of which was bona fides.
This clearly demonstrates that despite employing a CFO, Administrative Officer and a Deputy Mayor to ensure financial control, NYP is not meeting the same standard as Devon and Cornwall and the system of oversight is completely ineffective and a waste of taxpayers’ money. However being positive about things, there was a significant triumph in all of this. Sufficient explanation was provided to identify that the car-wash expenditure £3.99 and the hotel expenditure of £302.39 is not allowable to be claimed on expenses. A novel success for financial control and open disclosure in NYP!
This was reported to NYP Assistant Chief Officer Stitt, NYP Chief Financial Officer Branford-White and/or Deputy Mayor Coles with a request that the expenditure is justified or that Chief Constable Forber repays the money. No-one denies that the money should not have been paid and there is a moral responsibility for Chief Constable Forber to repay it. However, none of these officials have responded to my concerns and the money has not been reimbursed. So in summary, it appears that:
- The disclosure of NYP Senior Officers expenses is inadequate.
- Financial control in NYP does not meet the same (i.e. normal) standard met by Devon & Cornwall Police.
- NYP Chief Officers are not held to account for their spending.
- When an issue of misuse of funds arises, Deputy Mayor Coles and CFO Branford-White simply ignore it.
Game, set and match to the car-wash queen.
Two questions now arise:
- Why is York and North Yorkshire Deputy Mayor for Crime & Policing Coles refusing to deliver to the good taxpayers of North Yorkshire, the same standard of financial control that taxpayers in Devon & Cornwall receive?
- How can any future increase in the North Yorkshire Police Precept be justified, when Senior Officers are routinely misusing Police Funds and the Deputy Mayor is unable to control their expenditure?
Coming Next
Throxenby Hall – more allegations emerge.
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