Levy-Payers’ Chair Lobbies MPs – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reproducing a portentous email (forwarded by original recipients) from Hero SUMNER, Chair of the Yorkshire Coast Levy-Payers’ Association, to three MPs – Sir Robert GOODWILL (Scarborough & [...]
An OPEN LETTER to the Chair of Yorkshire Coast BID Ltd. (also for the attention of the remaining Directors and the CEO) by NIGEL WARD. ~~~~~ Mr Clive ROWE-EVANS (Chair) Mr. Karl BATTERSBY Mr. Richard BRADLEY Mr. Alexander M. COLTMAN [...]
A Voice of Reason – an Open Letter to SBC Head of Paid Service & CEO, MIKE GREENE, by NIGEL WARD, offering an opinion on the last remaining honourable route to a return to good order. ~~~~~ Mr Mike GREENE [...]
Funerals – Our Last Rights Having seen North Yorks Enquirer stalwarts TIM THORNE and TIM HICKS highlight senior officers of the North Yorkshire Police acting beyond their authority during the national ‘lockdown’ imposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Guest [...]
Knight Errant an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, sharing some gossip from the East Yorkshire Conservative Association. ~~~~~ The Rt.Hon. Sir Greg ‘Silent’ KNIGHT [Con.] is the present Member of Parliament for East Yorkshire. The seventy-year-old collector of [...]