Sunday 22nd December 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

All posts by Tim Thorne

An Informed Decision

I popped along to the Town Hall / Futurist meeting at the Royal Hotel on Wed 2nd May and I find myself confused on how to respond to the Town Hall Accommodation Consultation, which can be completed online here. There [...]

May 6, 2012 Scarborough Borough Council

Local Councillors Broadband Expense Claims

Here are those Councillor Broadband expenses in full. The sources for the information are listed below if you wish to confirm them against my figures. Councillor 2010/11 2009/10 2008/9 2007/8 2006/7 BACKHOUSE G A (SBC) £255.00 £255.00 £255.00 £255.00 £255.00 [...]

April 9, 2012 North Yorkshire County Council, Scarborough Borough Council

The £53k Question

On Friday Feb 24th 2012, Councillors attending a full Council meeting at Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) voted themselves some new shiny iPads, but new facts have come to light that will cast doubt upon the information given to them. Originally [...]

March 13, 2012 Scarborough Borough Council