Guest Author ANDY STRANGEWAY, former Independent ERYC Councillor and nationally renowned parking campaigner, has laid down the gauntlet to SBC Director of Legal & Governance Services Lisa DIXON in respect of motorhomes parking at the Whitby Abbey Car Park (the [...]
“Whitby Winter Welcome” A Letter to the Editor from motorhomer and lifelong Whitby enthusiast TOM PEIL, of Preston, who does not intend to be deterred by the SBC Labour Leader’s small-minded ‘cold shoulder’ – to the Whitby Abbey Aire proposal, [...]
Sealife Centre Signage – Waste of Resources by ANDY STRANGEWAY ~~~~~ Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) yesterday wasted further resources by erecting signage at the Sealife Centre stating “No Overnight Camping/Caravans“. Unfortunately, SBC failed to appreciate that they have no legal framework [...]
“A Breath of Fresh AIRE“ A Letter to the Editor by IAN LOWNDES, from Derbyshire, writing in response to the “Whitby Abbey Aire“ initiative launched by campaigner ANDY STRANGEWAY and Enquirer stalwart NIGEL WARD, promoting a winter off-season facility for [...]