Tuesday 08th October 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "Michael Porter" Tag

Financial Control in NYP #2

Financial Control in NYP #2 by TIM HICKS ~~~~~ This article forms Part 2 of TIM HICKS’ earlier article: http://nyenquirer.uk/financial-control-in-nyp-pt-1/ Introduction UK police forces now publish Chief Officer’s expenses, to ensure openness and transparency, and to facilitate public and media [...]

December 1, 2021 North Yorkshire Police, North Yorkshire Police & Crime Commissioner

JULIA BULLYGAN: The Resurrection Begins

JULIA BULLYGAN: The Resurrection Begins by TIM HICKS ~~~~~ Departure of Julia Mulligan from Yorkshire Politics Mrs Julia Mulligan officially stood down as Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner (PFCC) for North Yorkshire on the 13th of May, when Philip Allott replaced [...]

June 4, 2021 North Yorkshire Police & Crime Commissioner