Tuesday 08th October 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "iPads" Tag

New Media & Local Politics

Times they are a-changing. Gone are the days when the final word on a subject in local politics was given by a local Authority press release or through their stooges in the local paper. The only dissenting voices were to [...]

December 19, 2012 Scarborough Borough Council

Top SBC Councillor outFOXed – or FOX outed?

Top SBC Councillor outFOXed – or FOX outed?   – an ‘In My View’ article – by Nigel Ward ~ IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST “Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom.” [...]

September 17, 2012 Scarborough Borough Council

Those iPads…

I covered the decision taken to buy the iPads for SBC Councillors and Officers in an article a while ago, went into some depth why the decision was flawed and why they are a poor investment. It is time for [...]

June 7, 2012 Scarborough Borough Council

True Cost of iPads

True Cost of iPads I covered the decision taken to buy the iPads for SBC Councillors and Officers in an article a while ago, went into some depth why the decision was flawed and why they are a poor investment. [...]

May 11, 2012 Scarborough Borough Council

The £53k Question

On Friday Feb 24th 2012, Councillors attending a full Council meeting at Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) voted themselves some new shiny iPads, but new facts have come to light that will cast doubt upon the information given to them. Originally [...]

March 13, 2012 Scarborough Borough Council