Scarborough NHS Incompetence

The political organisation with a sideline in healthcare who danced through the fake pandemic, the NHS, has advertised a volunteer job at Scarborough Hospital for someone to serve food and hot drinks to ambulance crews.

As you know, for over a decade NHS inefficiency has caused ambulance crews across the country to spend half of their working lives sat outside A&E waiting to get their patients admitted to the local hospital. Why doesn’t anyone attempt to solve this problem once and for all? As all patients and relatives exiting the local hospital know, waiting for someone to sign a bit of paper discharging you from hospital can take hours.

Is there anyone in the NHS with a working brain capable of putting 2 + 2 together and coming up with a solution? Presumably they are still waiting for the Health and Safety studies, the Environmental studies and the Diversity, Equality and Inclusion studies to complete before they can move forward.

The problems the NHS faces are, like many problems in the UK, down to mass immigration. You simply can’t import millions of foreigners who are mostly clients of the benefits system and expect services to be maintained. The root cause is of course voters.

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