Subject: Reactive press comment re: Marriott case external investigation
Please see below a quote, which has been prepared following a request from The Scarborough News for us to respond to claims that Mazars, the independent body appointed to conduct an external enquiry into the Marriott case, cannot be truly independent because we have used them in the past.
Cllr Derek Bastiman, Leader of Scarborough Borough Council said:
“As one of the successor bodies to the now dissolved Audit Commission, Mazars is independently appointed to the council and has a duty to the tax payer to act impartially. It has a track record of undertaking similar investigations for other authorities using its own forensic investigators. It is likely that Mazars will seek its own independent legal advice to support its investigation. For confirmation, Mazars has no previous involvement in the Marriott case.”
This comment will shortly be sent to the paper for inclusion in this week’s edition.
Gabrielle Jandzio
Communications Officer, Communications, Scarborough Borough Council