Monday, February 10, 2025

N&STC: Open Letter of Complaint

Unprecedentedly, the following Letter to the Editor takes the form of publication into the public realm, at the request of the author (Newby resident John Buckley), of a Formal Complaint addressed to the present Chair/Mayor of Newby & Scalby Town Council, Councillor Richard Thompson.

It is one of a surprising number of emails/letters to the Enquirer pursuant to our correspondent Nigel Ward’s widely-lauded intervention during the Public Forum (Agenda Item 4) at the meeting of Full Council held on Wednesday 11th September 2024.

Mr Ward’s Enquirer report may be read in full (including video and transcript) here:

Briefly, Mr Ward suggested a reasonable and honourable resolution of the acrimonious stand-off between the Council and the electorate, predicated on the following course of action:
  1. that all present Councillors accede to the terms of the recent almost-unanimous Parish Poll –  i.e. resign forthwith;
  2. that those Councillors wishing to resume their service of the public stand for election in the hope of receiving a democratic mandate to form a Council that enjoys the full support of the people.
The Councillors did not immediately respond to Mr Ward, nor have they since. They are digging in – which may likely prove a matter of regret.
Before reading Mr Buckley’s Open Letter, readers are requested to be mindful of the fact that Newby & Scalby Town Council formally Adopted the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) “Civility & Respect Pledge” on 10th May 2023 (reproduced at the foot of this page for convenience of reference – and as a respectful reminder to the gavel-banging N&STC Chair/Mayor, Councillor Richard Thompson, whose memory may have failed him).

Open Letter

15 September 2024
Councillor Thompson
Chairman, Newby and Scalby Town Council

Dear Councillor Thompson

Re: Open Letter of complaint about the behaviour of Newby and Scalby Town Council.

I am taking the unusual step of writing an Open Letter of complaint following the disgraceful behaviour of Newby and Scalby Town Council towards members of the public at the meeting held on 11th September 2024. As you are very well aware, Formal Complaints to the Council are always given the virtuoso long-grass or ‘nothing to see here’ treatment. Those Councillors who attended (there were, yet again, several absences) stood by and said nothing about the disrespect shown by people who are supposed to serve the public. Amongst my complaints are:

1. There was inadequate space or seating available for the local residents who had the right (some would say duty) to attend this public meeting of our Council. The Council was warned in advance of the need for a larger venue.

2. Twenty people were forced to stand outside in the courtyard. Though cold, they were fortunate that it was not raining. None of them were able to hear the proceedings and some left early.

3. The emergency exit doors were open throughout the meeting causing the public, many of whom were frail and/or elderly, to feel very cold. Of course, the Councillors were at the other end of the room and away from the cold. Several members of the public, including myself, left early.

4. The Town Council arranged the tables such that a completely unnecessary physical barrier was placed between the public and the Council. This is, I believe, deliberately designed to be offensive.

5. Councillors were inaudible to the public and this also seemed to be deliberately provocative.

6. Once again, we witnessed the charade of two burley security guards being employed by the Council with no explanation of why they were there. Again, this is deliberately offensive.

The Council, in my view, showed a total disregard for the wellbeing of the public and your attitude over recent months can only be seen as contemptuous. I have complained to you before about the disrespect shown by the Council under your leadership. I had hoped that respect would be restored – after all, it is a basic social skill that we try to teach our children. Regrettably, this has not happened and the calculated disrespect shown by the Council seems to be getting worse.

If you want to know why the Council only received nineteen votes in favour of you staying in office – whilst 558 voted against you-  in the recent parish poll, you only need to look at the lack of respect shown by yourself and the other members of the Council towards the public that you are supposed to serve. Many have asked the question “What is the council for?” I have no answer.

Yours sincerely

John Buckley, Resident of Newby (name and address supplied)

National Association of Local Councils “Civility & Respect Pledge”

(Adopted by N&STC on 10th may 2023)

[Editor’s Note: It would appear that hypocrisy is alive and well in Newby and Scalby.]

Enquirer Correspondent Nigel Ward’s Address to the Council

[youtube id=”JDK90rR4Ihc” width=”620″ height=”360″]

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