Dear Editor,
Lessons to be learnt!
In a year that has seen widespread commemorations of the horrors of the Holocaust in Auschwitz, I am moved to remember my dad, who was also my hero!
At the outbreak of the war in 1939, my dad volunteered for the Territorials and eventually ended up in Monty’s 8th Army in Palestine and later the Italian Campaign. He did not go to war for the “heroism”, but, as he put it, for his children. He did not want us to see or endure what he had throughout those years. He was at the liberation of the Belsen Concentration camp and saw the horrors first-hand.
My dad was a painter and decorator and a proud tradesman. We never had a family holiday, and I was the second son of five children, of whom my youngest sister is a wonderful Downs woman.
Dad’s politics, which he passed on to me, were based around the ideas of Maynard Keynes, Butler, Atlee, and Bevan. In my view, it is the duty of our generation to be custodians of this legacy from the “Golden Generation” of our parents.
So, how are we doing with our duties towards the Welfare State, which may be summarised as follows?
- Do not squander;
- Do not insult the memory of the Golden generation.
In practical terms, our Councils and public servants are challenged to tackle the urgent problems of the day, namely:
- Decent well-paid jobs, especially for young people, who are fast becoming the “Lost Generation”;
- A fair and equitable school system;
- An NHS which is fit for purpose. In its present state, Bevan would be turning in his grave;
- Increase spending on the economic and social infrastructure, as is tested by rigorous social/cost benefit analysis.
Finally, for now, address the BIG issues of our time – CLIMATE CHANGE!
All is not doom and gloom. As Obama famously pronounced, “YES, WE CAN!”
The good people of Whitby are hugely capable of fighting for their hard-won sovereign rights.
We owe it to the next generation.
Cllr Rob Barnett
Abbey Ward