Saturday, February 15, 2025

Another Toxic Town Council in Meltdown

Another Toxic Town Council in Meltdown

  • – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reporting on a bid to oust the present membership of Newby & Scalby Town Council.


Readers may have seen coverage in the local, regional and national media concerning the allegations of bullying and cover-up at Newby & Scalby Town Council.

For those who have not, this BBC report covers the principle details:

The North Yorks Enquirer has been asked to publicise a forthcoming Town Poll on the following Question:

  • “Do you want Newby and Scalby Town Council to be dissolved and a new Newby and Scalby Town Council to be elected?

Readers may find this more than a little reminiscent of the successful local putsch at Thornton-le-Dale Parish Council last September, where an allegedly “autocratic and obdurate” clique of ‘old guard’ Councillors were finally ousted. The following BBC report provides a welcome refresher:

In October 2023, Whitby Town Councillors came out on the wrong end of a Parish Poll in which 75.5% of those who voted (or gave a damn) voted “YES” to the following Question:
  • “Should the present members of Whitby Town Council resign en masse to facilitate the democratic election, by ballot, of a fully mandated town council for Whitby?”
Despite the overwhelming majority, no-one resigned. As a former Deputy Chief Executive of the now-abolished Scarborough Borough Council once commented:
  • “They cling to their perceived ‘power’ like limpets to a rock.”
Sadly, the only beneficiaries are themselves – or rather, their sense of self-importance.
Readers – and indeed all electors of Newby & Scalby are encouraged to turn out and vote on Friday 9th August 2024, between the hours of 4pm and 9pm, at their respective Polling Stations (see embedded PDF document, below).
But first, the formal Notice of Poll:
Polling Stations (by Street)
Poll FAQs

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