I leave it to readers’ own judgement as to whether or not the following excerpts from an email sent out at midnight to a member of the public (and twenty other recipients), by a Councillor well-known for a predilection to enjoy a ‘liquid brunch’ at ten in the morning, would be condoned by Lord NOLAN:
“Your number one puppet Councillor [REDACTED], would do exactly as you told him to. You really must groom a more reliable councillor!”
“You’re constant churlish cowardly comments are obviously a outcome of a lifetime of bullying and manipulation of weaker people.”
“This might be a good time to tell you that my No. 2 daughter is one of the top litigation barristers in the UK, and I am more than financially ready to respond to you or any of your backers in a court of law: I actually invite it!”
“You’re churlish & cowardly attacks no longer are acceptable!”
“Please leave us councillors alone to do what’s best, before a higher authority judges you; he might not be far away.”
“Civility” and “Respect”? Or “Abuse” and “Threats”? You decide. (Nothing from “No. 2 daughter”, by the way).
Yet NYC’s Deputy Monitoring Officer, propped up by the so-called ‘Independent Person’ (who would appear to be less than independent and always ready to toe the party line), chucked out two separate Formal Complaints (one from a fellow Councillor) over this disgraceful (if rather pitiful) rant without the Standards Committee or the Monitoring Officer ever having sight of it.
It is no wonder that the North Yorkshire Police are being called out to Town and Parish Council meetings, were electors are kicking off because they are sick and tired of arrogance, condescension and cover-ups.
WTC Annual Accounts 2022/23
The Whitby Town Council
website has published the Audit Report of External Auditor, PKF LITTLEJOHN LLP, delayed by eight months during which an investigation has been conducted by the External Auditor into the truthfulness and validity of the
9 Assertions ticked
‘YES’ in the Council’s 2022/23
Annual Governance Statement (AGS). These Assertions relate to the Council’s claims to have complied with a wide range of legislation regulating its governance, compliance, management and accountability.
The Auditor has found that THREE of the 9 Assertions had been falsely ticked ‘YES’ but should have been ticked ‘NO’ with accompanying explanations as to why the Council had failed to comply with the law. (The Objector did not challenge all nine).
The Auditor identified:
(i) Precept-setting and accountancy ‘weaknesses’;
(ii) GDPR data privacy ‘weaknesses’, and;
(iii) ‘weaknesses’ in the Council’s accountancy returns to the Charity Commission, in respect of its duties as Sole Trustee of Pannett Park and the Pannett Art Gallery & Whitby Museum Charities.
The Auditor also identified ‘weaknesses’ in the functionality of the Council’s website.
“Weaknesses” is polite Auditor-speak for FAILURES.
For the avoidance of any doubt, the Objector identified ALL THREE of these ‘weaknesses’ – which were passed over without hesitation by a majority of Councillors and the Clerk/RFO and his staff, but CONFIRMED by the External Auditor.
And, for the avoidance of any remaining doubt, the External Auditor’s Report also confirms that there is scope for a 50% improvement (from 6 truthful Assertions to 9) in Whitby Town Council’s future governance and compliance returns (AGS).
One would hope that the Council, as a body corporate, will evince the common courtesy to Resolve to send a letter of gratitude and appreciation to the Objector, for services rendered . . .
Each December, Whitby Town Council, via its Finance Policy & General Purposes Committee, is duty-bound to scrutinise the Clerk/RFO’s preparation of the Annual Accounts before they come to Full Council in the following January. The ratification of the AGS and AGAR comes before Full Council at the end of May. Last year, when the AGS came up for ratification in May, only five Councillors (ABBOTT, BARNETT, RIDDOLLS, SUMNER and TURNER) acted diligently and with conviction and voted AGAINST it.
Every other Councillor in attendance (including the Chair of the Finance, Policy & General Purposes Committee) gave the AGS her/his blessing and waved it on down the highway like ZZ Top in their iconic pop videos. Nothing to worry about here, folks – keep paying your Precept!
The Council’s failure properly to scrutinise the evidence prior to signing off on the accuracy of the Assertions in the AGS has cost the Precept-payers of Whitby a good deal of money (additional Audit Fees: 24.3 hours at £355 per hour – £8,262.50 + VAT) that would never have been squandered in this way had due diligence been applied. This dereliction of diligence is shameful and, in my view, these Councillors should be held to account.
Yet astonishingly, some ‘old guard’ Councillors remain determined to blame the Objector – the one diligent member of the public who raised the Objections – for this totally unnecessary waste of public money – whereas the real ‘blame’ (or ‘responsibility’, if such is the better word) is directly attributable to:
(i) the preparation and ratification of the Annual Governance Statement by the Clerk/RFO;
(ii) the lack of diligence by the Finance, Policy & General Purposes Committee; and
(iii) those Councillors who voted in Full Council to ratify the AGS – apparently without contemplating the consequences of error (i.e. the potential costs of an Audit Investigation). There are none so blind as those who refuse to see . . .
However, Councillor Noreen WILSON – readers will recall that she is the one who told a media photographer to “shove his camera up his arse” (Formal Complaints about that were also chucked out by the then-SBC’s Standards regime) – has resigned from the Council (and thus from the position of Chair of the Finance, Policy & General Purposes Committee).
This may be an all-too-rare example of a public servant evincing the integrity and honourable good grace to ‘fall on her sword’ after such an appalling performance. The FP&GP, remember, also missed £40K‘s worth of water bills going down the drain.
Possibly, the censure inherent in the Audit Report was the last straw.
Hopefully, some more of the ‘dead-wood’ will follow Mrs WILSON’s example, to be replaced at an election by more diligent and competent people.
Causal Vacancy (Stakesby Ward)
Mrs WILSON’s resignation creates a
casual vacancy in the Stakesby Ward. Under the terms of the Local Government Act 1972, any TEN ELECTORS of the Parish of Whitby have the right to call a by-election. I intend to be one of them. However, an election can take place ONLY if there are at least TWO nominated candidates. I know you are out there . . .