ARGOS Consultation with Scarborough Harbour Users Group Harbours correspondent ALLAN ROBERTS reports on a curious disparity in the various ARGOS consultation processes. Is someone attempting to tilt the playing-field again? ~~~~~ I draw your attention to the two statements at [...]
An Open Letter to JJ by NIGEL WARD, seeking clarity as to why Scarborough Borough Councillor Janet JEFFERSON [Ind.] appears determined to alienate her previously loyal electorate in Castle Ward, Scarborough. It does not require a genius to recognise that [...]
JOHN SENIOR MBE TD DR(Hc) sends the following PRESS RELEASE . . . Helping to Hold the Line Local South Bay Trader John Wallis is a coordinating the production of emergency PPE face masks from his seafront business and deliveries [...]
North Bay Blue Flag: The 61% Deception an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reporting on the strange reticence of our local and regional public institutions to announce Scarborough North Bay’s loss of its Blue Flag for ‘EXCELLENT’ Bathing [...]