An Open Letter on the subject of Adult Social Care (ASC) to County Councillor Helen SWIERS [Con.], in her capacity as Chair of North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC), from County Councillor Tony RANDERSON [Lab.]. Councillor RANDERSON is also a Scarborough [...]
NYCC Cash ‘Crisis’: The Next Cuts Are The Deepest an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, covering the financial “crisis” at North Yorkshire County Councillor. Bottom line; hardest hit will be the poor, the sick and the vunerable. And [...]
Dick Ducks Double-Dipping Disrepute Duty An ‘In My View’ article – by Nigel Ward As the ‘double-dipping’ row escalates – and emerges County-wide and probably beyond – NYCC Chief Executive Officer Richard (‘Dick’) FLINTON has abdicated all responsibility in the [...]