Sunday 01st September 2024,
North Yorks Enquirer

Browsing the "Andrew Wilde" Tag

‘Potless’ Potto

‘Potless’ Potto – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, investigating the ever-increasing (and entirely accurately calculated) additional Audit Investigation Fees incurred by Potto Parish Council (as per FOIA), due to its ongoing refusal to address its many ‘weaknesses’ (Audit-speak for failures). [...]

July 7, 2024 Potto

Vindictive Potto

Vindictive Potto – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, investigating a particularly vindictive document drafted and signed by Cllr Andrew WILDE, unelected Chair of Potto Parish Council, in another failed attempt to bamboozle the Authorities into believing the Council’s fictitious propaganda. [...]

June 24, 2024 Potto

Vexatious Potto 3 (Pt.3)

Vexatious Potto 3 (Pt.3) – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, investigating the dénouement of the dilemma facing Cllr Andrew WILDE, unelected Chair of Potto Parish Council, at the Upper Tribunal. Readers may recall that, in Part 2 of this series, he faced [...]

June 10, 2024 Potto

Vexatious Potto 3 (Pt.2)

Vexatious Potto 3 (Pt.2) – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, investigating further fall-out from Potto Parish Council’s Upper Tribunal UT13 form, arising from another serious failure of sound Leadership, Governance and Accountability.  ~~~~~ Potto Parish Council has [...]

May 30, 2024 Potto

Vexatious Potto 3 (Pt.1)

Vexatious Potto 3 (Pt.1) – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, investigating yet another serious collapse of sound Leadership, Governance and Accountability at Potto Parish Council. In an earlier article (“Vexatious Potto 2”), I revealed how Potto Parish [...]

May 6, 2024 Potto

Vexatious Potto 2

Vexatious Potto 2 – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, investigating the wild tactics of self-denial and a story of abject refusal to acknowledge the difficult truths that continued to blight the serially deficient Potto Parish Council throughout [...]

December 31, 2023 Potto

“Potto Reality Check”

A Letter to the Editor from MARTIN CLEMENTS of Teesside, who has been conducting his own enquiries into questionable assertions (i.e. false claims?) on the Potto Parish Council website. ~~~~~ Dear Editor, I have been following your articles about the [...]

November 16, 2023 Letters, Potto

Vexatious Potto

Vexatious Potto – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, investigating the wild tactics of self-denial and point-blank refusal to acknowledge the difficult truths that continue to blight the hopelessly deficient and unlawful Potto Parish Council, arguably the worst [...]

November 5, 2023 Potto

Libellous Potto

Libellous Potto An Open Letter to Potto Parish Councillors – members, arguably, of the worst Parish Council in the country. ~~~~~ Potto Parish Councillors IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST Councillors, My editor, Mr THORNE, has asked me to respond to your [...]

October 22, 2023 Potto

Lawless Potto

Lawless Potto – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, investigating the wild tactics that continue to be used by Potto Parish Council to obstruct and circumvent due process, public input and the law – whilst apparently incurring yet more Audit Investigations (with [...]

September 28, 2023 Potto