Steve Agar – North Yorks Enquirer Sun, 31 Dec 2023 13:40:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Vexatious Potto 2 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 12:54:14 +0000 Vexatious Potto 2

  • – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, investigating the wild tactics of self-denial and a story of abject refusal to acknowledge the difficult truths that continued to blight the serially deficient Potto Parish Council throughout 2023. Readers may recall that External Auditor PKF LITTLEJOHN LLP “identified weaknesses in the Governance and Accountability [at Potto Parish Council] of sufficient significance to warrant a Public Interest Report” (PIR) in July 2022. This article seeks to determine whether (or not) any discernible attempt has been made to effect improvements to Potto’s Governance and Accountability.
‘Governance’ describes the effectiveness of how an authority is managed or led, as demonstrated by its adherence to a system of processes, rules, laws and practices.
There have been some developments since I investigated and reported on this matter on 5th November 2023. I have selected the following example of an Information Rights Tribunal, where Tribunal Judge GOODMAN determined that Potto Parish Council’s actions were “not in accordance with the law”.
Rather than acknowledge and accept the Judge’s Decision (which is exactly what the Information Commissioner’s Solicitor did), Potto Parish Council drafted a seven page ‘letter of appeal’. I reproduce it here [link] for transparency but, unusually, I do not recommend readers to click on this link to read this letter. This is because the Appellant, the resident of Potto who was successful in overturning both the Council’s and the Information Commissioner’s unlawful assertion that the Appellant’s input was “vexatious”, has provided a well-evidenced, detailed and utterly damning retort to this Council letter of ‘appeal’.
The Appellant has annotated Potto Council’s letter by inserting the inconvenient truths (in blue text) below each section of the Council’s letter (black text). This combined letter [link], which comprehensively identifies and exposes much of the maladministration informing the actions of Potto Parish Council, is not just highly recommended reading, I think it is essential reading. It is gripping and enthralling, a very convincing, factual and compelling tale of a floundering Council and local democracy in ruins.
Whilst I note the Council’s September Minutes (Agenda Item 4.8) record details of it discussing and drafting this purported ‘appeal’, oddly, this ‘appeal’ is omitted from all subsequent Minutes. It seems that even the Council’s own membership has been kept in the dark. The very fact that Potto Parish Council still refuses to record or publish the Judge’s decision that its ‘appeal’ has utterly failed is indicative of yet another significant failure of Governance. The meeting Minutes remain mere propaganda, not even approaching a true or complete record of the Council’s business.
‘Accountability’ is a key aspect of Governance, equated to culpability, liability and answerability; it means being responsible for what you do and being able to give a satisfactory reason for your actions and conduct.
I have only found evidence of one complaint about the Clerk, Joanne STOREY (née WILDE) in the last 18 months or so, see excerpt from Potto Parish Council’s November 2023 minutes:
This Complaint [link] is compelling. It describes how the Clerk ignored a multitude of safeguards in the Council’s Standing Orders and Financial Regulations; a ‘weakness’ that led directly to incurred losses of public money amounting to over twice the annual Precept income of the Parish. It also records Potto Parish Council’s prolific breaches of the Data Protection Act 1998 and its breaches of its own Bullying and Harassment Statement.
Those members recorded as present, who (despite Item 9.6 not even being on the Agenda) apparently each immediately agreed to dismiss this Complaint (rather than adhere to the safeguarding steps in the Complaint Handling Procedure), should each be ashamed of themselves:
Their actions characterise ‘institutional corruption’, defined thus:
I suggest that it is obvious to every reader that Accountability at Potto Council remains conspicuous by its total absence.
Governance and Accountability
For a contemporary example, which I suggest covers both ‘Governance’ and ‘Accountability’, I refer to the draft December 2023 minutes; excerpt below:
It appears that PKF’s Audit Investigation continues, and rather than acknowledge or address the same problems that are continually identified and raised year after year, the Council is attempting to bully or intimidate the Auditor by ‘objecting’ to the Auditor, who is simply carrying out its duties.  However, the Council cannot ‘object’ to the audit process, any more than it can ‘appeal’ against it – no such process is available. This utterly ridiculous and positively atrocious attitude to Governance and Accountability remains deeply entrenched and seemingly intractable.
Lastly, Potto council has now admitted that it holds ‘no information’ (apart from the Action Plan) about how it supposedly addressed a single one of the 17 Audit Recommendations in the PIR; see FOI request:
Potto Parish Council’s handling of this FOIA request was appalling and eventually (and inevitably) the ICO issued a Decision Notice [link] which concluded that ‘the Council had disclosed all the information it held’ – in other words, nothing that would evidence it having addressed the PIR Recommendations. The Information Commissioner’s Decision Notice also records that “the Council’s standard approach to requests does not represent good practice” – a likely candidate for the Enquirer’s ‘Understatement of the Year Award’.
Unfortunately, the Council’s records do not include any reference to its future adherence to good practice.
In conclusion, it appears to me to be patently obvious, just from these four examples (selected from dozens of available others), that the entire remit of the 2022 PIR remains rock-solid and that all the problems that did exist still exist, and not only remain firmly embedded, but are getting steadily worse.
Potto Parish Council remains a paradigmatic example of truly unacceptable Governance and Accountability.
I wish its members a Happy New Year.
Potto: “Where’s the Money?” [Pt.4] Mon, 13 Mar 2023 20:46:53 +0000 Potto: “Where’s the Money?” [Pt.4]
As I have demonstrated elsewhere, the usual safeguards and controls were ALL markedly absent for Potto Parish Council’s single biggest-ever commercial contract, which was for a sum in excess of 140% of the Council’s entire Precept revenue for that year.
The meeting Minutes make almost no reference to any of these controls and the pertinent ‘Associated Documents’ were not published on the Council’s website (in itself an unlawful act). Trawling, I soon discovered that a Freedom of Information request had been lodged for this very information:
A Timeline of the ensuing correspondence tells its own story:
30th January 2023 – the following FOIA Request was made to Potto Parish Council:
8th February 2023 – the Council provided copies of just three documents:
13th February 2023 – the Requestor, clearly amazed by the paucity of documentation, requested further clarification:
28th February 2023 – the Council confirmed, on the twentieth day of the twenty-day statutory period:
So, there we have it. That is all she wrote. Only three documents – 1 Quote; 1 Grant Form and 1 Invoice.
Let me set this into context by examining what information should have been available, if Potto Parish Council was conducting its affairs lawfully and openly and the Chair, Councillors and RFO/Clerk had acted properly and correctly to ensure public money was effectively safeguarded – a statutory duty, not at the discretion of the Council.
1. Expenditure exceeded the declared Revenue Budget
The Council’s Annual Accounts for 2021/22 state, see excerpt below:
The entire Budget for all items of expenditure in 2021/22 was only £7,100.
The Council’s Financial Regulations state, under the heading of Budgetary Control:
No information has been provided under the FOIA (meaning no information is held by Potto Parish Council) to explain why the RFO/Clerk permitted this fundamental breach of the Financial Regulations to occur. The RFO/Clerk’s failure to ensure that the Financial Regulations were observed is an act of gross negligence – she is tasked, and paid, to bear responsibity for the Council’s actions and has a statutory duty to ensure Regulatory compliance.
Bridleway Maintenance not a Budget Item
The Council’s Financial Regulations state, also under Budgetary Control:
Detailed scrutiny of the 2021/22 Budget under the topic of ‘Footpaths Maintenance’ (or anything similar) discloses that it is not listed at all.
Therefore, lawfully permissible expenditure was NIL. ZERO. Not one penny.
Having reviewed the meeting Minutes in search of some explanation, however flimsy, for how this blatant disregard of legal requirements, as specified in the Council’s own Financial Regulations (which is to say that ignorance of the law cannot credibly be invoked – nor would it exonerate the Council), I can confirm that no such explanation is recorded; I found nothing.
There is no recorded information whatsoever to explain why the RFO/Clerk permitted this flagrant breach of the Council’s Financial Regulations.
Normally, one could rely on the Internal Auditor to identify such cavalier disdain for legal requirements. However . . .
The Internal Auditor also ignored the Breaches
Potto Parish Council’s Internal Auditor, Mr Roger BRISLEY FCA, failed to identify these two major breaches of the Council’s Financial Regulations. His Internal Audit Report for 2021/22 gave the Council a clean bill of health, as I have shown elsewhere.
Nowhere in the Council’s Public Record can I locate any explanation as to how and/or why Mr BRISLEY failed to recognise or report the fact, visible to the layman, that Potto Parish Council had wildly and unlawfully exceeded its Budget constraints.
No Waiver justification recorded
The Council’s Financial Regulations state, under the heading Contracts, that:
There is no record of an application having been made to waive the Financial Regulations or to explain why the RFO/Clerk made no application, thus permitting this breach of the Financial Regulations to occur.
YLCA input
At this point, any Councillor with even a modicum of nous would have ensured some advice was requested/received from the Yorkshire Local Councils Association(YLCA), the Council’s paid advisors.
Not one single Councillor (or the RFO/Clerk) bothered to do so – this lack of integrity is a clear breach of the Nolan Principles of Public Life.
No Tendering/Selection Process
The Council’s Financial Regulations state, again under the sub-heading Contracts:

The evidence shows there is only one quote from one firm – a clear breach of the Financial Regulations relating to Contracts.

There is no information available about the ‘approved list’, or the ‘tendering process‘, or the minimum of “three firms”, or the ‘advertisement of the contract’ or the ‘selection process’ or why Coxon Bros (a dormant Company, based near Bedale) was selected in preference to Barnfather Construction Ltd (a currently-trading Company based in Potto).

There is no information to explain why the RFO/Clerk permitted, or perhaps willingly facilitated, each of these serious breaches of the Financial Regulations.

Breach of s.137 limits

Any Council’s ability to spend public money on items not owned or controlled by that Council is strictly limited by statute.

HM Government’s MHCLG has directed (under s.137(4)(a) of the Local Government Act 1972) that the expenditure limit for 2021/22 for Potto Parish Council must equate to no more than £8.41 per elector and, as I understand it, there are just over two hundred electors in the civic parish of Potto. The s.137 expenditure limit is, therefore, well under £2K.

According to its response under the Freedom of Information Act (confirmed by my examination of the public record), Potto Parish Council has no information pertinent to the matter of these s.137 limits, nor has any advice been sought from the YLCA.

There is no information to explain why the RFO/Clerk permitted, or perhaps willingly facilitated, this huge breach of s.137.

In conflict with residents’/electors’ wishes

Even if all the necessary safeguards and financial controls had been put in place (which they were not), the scope of this Bridleway work was carried out contrary to the wishes of 91% of respondents, whose specified preference it was to enjoy a surface on the Bridleway of between 2′ and 3′ in width. The Council ignored the responses to the independant Parish Plan Questionaire and, at inexplicable and hugely unnecessary expense, provided a surface more than adequate for a large motor vehicle.

This extra-wide surface is extraordinary indeed, as the July 2018 minutes record the Council’s efforts to prohibit motor vehicles on the Bridlepath:

Clearly, this policy was set aside to accommodate vehicular access, at least to the properties owned by the GRECO and MARCH families. Why?

It is clear that the Council was now actively spending public money in direct conflict with its own previous aims and the solicited preferences of the Potto public. Why?

The Council allegedly holds no information to explain why the clearly-stated wishes of Potto residents, who paid for all this work via compulsory taxation (i.e. the Precept), were ignored and over-ruled. But Councillors GRECO and MARCH and their respective families have benefitted from improved vehicular access to their properties, something oddly omitted from the Council’s records.

No control over the contracted work

The Council allegedly holds no document – no single word, in fact – recording how it maintained oversight, quality control, technical specification or scope for the work carried out by Coxon Bros.

Again, the Financial Regulations, under the sub-heading Contracts, sets out the requirements:

Again, there is no information available to explain why the RFO/Clerk permitted this breach of the Financial Regulations to occur.

Delegation to Councillor Macpherson

The Minutes (twice) record that Councillor MACPHERSON took control of this task, noting “Cllr Macpherson will query some points with contractor”.

The Council’s Standing Orders specifically prohibit this, stating:

The Minutes do confirm that Councillor MACPHERSON inspected land (the Bridleway) and then issued orders and instructions to Coxon Bros. There is no record of Councillor MACPHERSON having been authorised, by Resolution, to undertake these duties.

There is no correspondence whatsoever – or any other information – available to explain why the RFO/Clerk permitted this breach of the Standing Orders.

No ‘Value for Money’ (VFM) Assessment

No VFM Assessment is recorded in the Minutes. The Council’s Financial Regulations state under Orders for Work:

There is no information available to explain why all the Councillors and the RFO/Clerk permitted this breach of the Financial Regulations to occur.

‘RFO’, readers will recall, is the standard abbreviation for ‘Responsible Financial Officer‘. On-line legal dictionaries define ‘Responsibility’ thus:

Quality of Workmanship

Despite there being no information pertaining to any quality control or site survey to determine that the work, or indeed any work, had been completed to some semblance of a professional standard, the November 2021 minutes confirm an agreement to pay the Coxon Bros invoice in full – and it seems that the cheque was written and cashed immediately, whereafter the Company promptly ceased trading.


There is no information pertaining to any Warranty or Guarantee of any sort.


Potto Parish Council’s mysteriously appointed Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) and Clerk – Mrs Joanne STOREY, daughter of the Chair, Councillor Andrew WILDE – has stated, in a legally binding Freedom of Information response, that the Council has no information regarding ANY of the above highly significant financial irregularities.

If this is true, then Mrs STOREY must surely be in breach of her service contract and subject to immediate dismissal.

Furthermore, all members of Potto Parish Council have signally failed to recognise any one of these serious and material deficiencies. I accept that it may be reasonable for perhaps one or two of these deficiences not to be noticed by one or two Councillors, but for ALL Councillors and the RFO/Clerk to turn a blind eye to ALL these major financial deficiencies – and to do so absolutely consistently throughout ALL of 2021 – smacks to me of a deliberate, intentional, focused and co-ordinated plot to ignore statutory due process in order to enhance vehicular access vis the Bridleway. Why?

Such perfect unanimity of inaction amongst all participants, at all times, seems indicative of a total failure of democratic process. It suggests dysfunctionality at the most fundamental and extreme level. It seems impossible to avoid the conclusion that the RFO/Clerk and the non-WILDE membership is under the thrall of an all-controlling Chair, almost as though every one of them is trapped in some sort of helpless and hapless trance.

The real explanation for how this can have arisen is the subject of on-going investigation which I intend to set forth in future articles.

Readers who struggle to disagree with my opinion that ALL of these people are spectacularly unfit for public office are invited to do as I do – provide their evidence. Perhaps more of my Potto readers would care to drop me a (safe and totally confidential) email with their thoughts about why this farce is allowed to continue, year after year, and why the Chair and Clerk have so far escaped being held to account by electors.

Lastly, and quite astonishingly, the foregoing chronicle of regulatory abuse has not been the only such example in 2021/22; Potto Parish Council spent over £4,400 on a speed sign in near identical circumstances.

These failures amount to what any competent, diligent and honest Auditor would describe as ‘significant weaknesses of Governance and Accountability’ – which readers may recall was exactly the basis of the 2022 Public Interest Report.

POTTO – a Personal View Mon, 09 Jan 2023 00:05:26 +0000 POTTO – a Personal View

  • – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, responding to readers who wonder about data security and how information substantiating articles published on the North Yorks Enquirer is gathered, collated and validated. It is, in fact, surprisingly straightforward.


Now that three articles on the subject of Potto Parish Council have appeared on the North Yorks Enquirer website, the time may have come for readers to ascertain their own objective evaluation of their accuracy.

Those who have sought to discredit my Potto articles (and here I quote one misguided soul who claimed: they are just not true”, etc.) are invited to check for themselves veracity of the facts that I have drawn upon, almost exclusively from the public record, including:

  • information available to the public in primary and secondary Legislation (on the website);
  • information available to the public in the PKF LITTLEJOHN LLP Public Interest Report (and accompanying documentation);
  • information available to the public on the Potto Parish Council website;
  • information available to the public on the website;
  • information available to the public on the Hambleton District Council website;
  • information available to the public on the Institute for Chartered Accountants of England & Wales website;
  • information available to the public on the National Audit Office website;
  • information available to the public on the Companies House website;
  • information available to the public on the Charity Commission website;
  • information available to the public on the Land Registry website;
  • information available to the public on social media (Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, MeWe, Tumblr, etc);
  • information available to the public in the local, regional and national press and web media;
  • information available from elected members, paid public servants and fellow investigative journalists;
  • information available in email correspondence freely circulated by members of the public.

Apropos the latter, it is important to remember that when one transmits an email, even to a single ‘trusted’ recipient, ALL control over that email (including its contents, the sender’s own email address, the email addresses of any Cc: recipients, plus attachments – if any) is lost forever. Unless the recipient is a public body (or other Registered Data Controller/Processor, such as a business, club or buying collective), there is no legal duty on the part of the recipient to observe any degree of confidentiality.

In short, there is nothing (technical or legal) to prevent the recipient doing as she/he pleases with incoming emails – for example forwarding them, without the original sender’s knowledge or consent, to an unlimited number of further recipients, who may thus obtain the original sender’s personal data – and one another’s – ad infinitum – none of which is unlawful. Those who have imagined otherwise have been somewhat naïve.

For legal purposes, information shared between more than two parties is deemed to have been ‘published’ – and is thus in the public domain.

This does not mean, however, that confidentiality no longer exists in the modern world. Some information is confidential  and in a legally binding way because the law says so.

For example, every elector within any given local authority has the right to submit, to her/his local authority’s External Auditor, one or more Objections to the Annual Accounts of that local authority. Indeed, every authority must, by law, publish a formal Notice announcing these Public Rights every year (although the record shows that Potto Parish Council has made multiple attempts at expediting this Notice adequately and has repeatedly failed lawfully to do so for a number of years).

In the case of electors of the civic parish of Potto, formal Objection(s) may be raised against Potto Parish Council, Hambleton District Council or North Yorkshire County Council (from 1st April 2023, these three options will be reduced to two – Potto Parish Council and North Yorkshire Council). In the case of Potto Parish Council, the External Auditor is PKF LITTLEJOHN LLP.

The statutory underpinning for this Objection process was formerly to be found under the Audit Commission Act 1988 (since repealed), but is now enshrined in the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 (LAAA 2014).

In the case of Potto Parish Council, PKF LITTLEJOHN LLP has confirmed that 326 Objections (spread over four financial years) were scrupulously examined and ALL found to be VALID. To spare a monumental burden on the Council (and thus the ratepayer), a mere 97 of these were investigated in forensic detail and UPHELD, with each of the 97 (in many cases, the same shortcomings were recorded year upon year) amalgamated into one or another of 14 distinct categories, giving rise to 17 binding Recommendations.

Schedule 11 of the 2014 Act, Disclosure of Information, constrains the parties to the Objection (the External Auditor, the Objector and the local authority) to legally binding confidentiality (excluding for anti-terrorism purposes), unless with the explicit written consent of the parties (including the Objector).

Readers may have wondered, therefore, how it was that the identity of one Objector to Potto Parish Council’s Annual Accounts found its way into certain national newspapers.

It is reasonable to assume that the External Auditor, PKF LITTLEJOHN LLP, whose policy it is never to pass comment to the Press, would be unlikely in the extreme to jeopardise its international reputation by perpetrating a ‘leak’ from which it could glean no conceivable benefit, especially a ‘leak’ framed in such disparaging terms as to do its utmost to portray Objectors as a miscreants of the highest order.

It is equally reasonable to assume that Objectors are equally unlikely to propagate a self-portrait of obsessive miscreants.

Only those with an obvious interest in attempting to deflect the ‘blame’ for the shambolic maladministration that has incurred the £37K Investigation Fee had any discernible  interest in attempting to discredit critics in an act of petty malice. Despicable, in my view – and itself a breach of the 2014 Act, clarified in the National Audit Organisation directions, thus:

Readers must arrive at their own conclusions. They should not need to over-tax themselves over the self-evident.

On the website, there are 12 Freedom of Information requests to Potto Parish Council (only one from me). On the ICO website there are over 20 Decision Notices issued against Potto Parish Council. Thus, a practice and policy of evasion is well-documented in the public domain. Here is another example:

Potto Parish Council’s responses have ‘evasion’ writ through them like a little stick of Potto rock.

For me, all this sets alarm bells ringing. When I see requests for information that should have been published as a matter of course (and must lie readily to the hand of any competent Parish Clerk) and yet whose extraction is akin to drawing teeth with balsawood pliers, I smell a rat.

External Auditor PKF LITTLEJOHN also smelled a rat, way back in January 2016, when it stated:

Demonstrably, there has been no improvement in the ensuing six-and-a-half years; in the July 2022 PIR, it states:

No objective observer could avoid the conclusion that the Council is determined to release nothing that might risk shedding light on its appalling record, as documented in Recommendations 9 & 10 of the Public Interest Report (PIR).

Speaking of such secrecy, I well remember when the then-Secretary of State for Communities, the Rt.Hon. Eric PICKLES [Con.] (now Baron PICKLES) stating:

“A government that is transparent, that is open, is one that is more responsive to the public, one that is more accountable to the public.

I’m looking for the creation of an army of armchair auditors so that, together, we can scrutinise public and local government expenditure. If we do this government, does truly, become closer to the people and more responsive to what the people want.”

[my emphasis in bold]

The public-spirited diligence of Potto’s vilified and demonised “army of armchair auditors” deserves their fellow electors’ full respect and acclaim.

That the years-long saga of the Public Interest Report appears to have evolved ‘under the radar’ is a sad reflection on Hambleton District Council’s attention to governance and finances of Parish Councils. In less the three months, that will cease to matter. What will matter is that the new unitary authority, North Yorkshire Council, is presently defining its relationship with its Parishes.

The Leader, Councillor Carl LES, with whom I have co-operated productively in the past – and not only following my public denunciation of predatory paedophile Peter JACONELLI [Con.], former North Yorkshire County Councillor and former Scarborough Borough Councillor, Mayor and Alderman – will be fully apprised of my findings in regard to Potto Parish Council.

Apropos County’s plans for the Parishes, on Wednesday 4th January 2023, the Scarborough News quoted Councillor LES as follows:

“Parish and town councils are an important link in the chain of local government and have a vital role in acting on behalf of their communities.

The new North Yorkshire Council is eager to work with parish and town councils across the county as a key aspect of its commitment to connect with local communities, understand their needs and respond to their priorities.”

To enjoy these benefits, Potto Parish Council will need members and a Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer of a far higher standard than that achieved by the present incumbents.

Most Potto residents can see that.

On the other side of the coin, there remains a diminishing few who – despite the evidence of the public record and their own worldly experience – are obdurately determined to bury their heads and hitch their misplaced loyalty to a secretive and incompetent cadre of incompetent, self-appointed and unmandated self-interest merchants whose abject failures have cost the Parish £37K, and counting.

This brings to mind a wise old epithet, often (but spuriously) attributed to Mark TWAIN (Samuel Langhorne CLEMENS – 1835-1910):

For such people, my presentation of irrefutable facts is wasted.

Nevertheless, I shall continue investigating Potto Parish Council and presenting my findings to the Court of Public Opinion, and I shall do so with diligence, openness and transparency.

Some Potto residents are already aware of a pusillanimous attempt to discredit me. So it is more for the benefit of regional and national readers that I conclude this article by reproducing the entire correspondence ‘thread’ between myself and an ill-informed (?) critic, here.

Finally, one reader (a professional journalist) has submitted what I believe to be the correct solution to the ‘Riddle-me-ree’ reproduced in my most recent Potto article, so the ‘coffee and a sticky bun’ in Whiby (my treat) is, alas, no longer available.

Who knows? Another opportunity may arise . . . somebody out there seems eager to help me.

Next up? “Potto: Where’s the Money? [Pt.2]”

Potto: Where’s the Money? [Pt.1] Sun, 01 Jan 2023 23:01:02 +0000 Potto: Where’s the Money? [Pt.1]

  • – an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, offering a further examination of the practices and policies of Potto Parish Council (and friends) – an interesting turn of events interrupts my intended sequence of publication. Well worthy of a telling digression . . .


This next in my series of articles examining one of the smallest (but nevertheless most dysfunctional) branches of local government – Potto Parish Council – follows two previous articles that seem to have set the village agog:

Further articles (including this one – a digression from my intended progression) in this continuing series will be collated and up-dated here:

Judging by responses to my privately emailed ‘appeal’ to parishioners to come forward with relevant information, attitudes in Potto appear to have become highly polarised. It is understandable that residents have no wish to see Potto become the epicentre of a distasteful scandal, albeit not of their own making.

Only one response was hostile – and that, to the point of rudeness. Perhaps the writer imagines insolence will put me off the scent?

Two responses have simply opted out of further up-dates; that is their prerogative, and will be respected.

Several responses have been extremely helpful, for which I am grateful. For them, my articles have simply put meat on the bone of a long-standing discontent with, and mistrust of, the Parish Council.

Others are to be especially commended for evincing the moral courage to come forward, describing an atmosphere of suppression and threats. They have contributed pertinent information that points the way to a fair and just outcome. Salute!

Two other items of ‘incoming’ are worthy of mention. The first came in the post, bearing a Middlesbrough postmark:

(* Coffee and a sticky bun in Whitby to the sender of the first-opened correct solution).

I am grateful, too, to all those who forwarded to me the second – the following email to fifty or so recipients (members of the Potto Oil Purchasing group (POP), from one Gerry STAPLETON (archived at Companies House under the name of Gerald Stephen STAPLETON (74), of Cooper Lane, Potto, as a resigned Director of 13 active companies.

Mr STAPLETON is also archived as a Director, along with his ‘live in’ partner Ms Suzanne FOSTER, of Potto Ltd [Co.No. 07920463] (41201 – Construction of commercial buildings) – dissolved 2nd May 2017.

Quite separately, under the name Gerry Stephen STAPLETON – a subtle distinction – he is archived at Companies House as one of 32 resigned Directors of Riverwood Properties Ltd.), where he is listed as a Chartered Surveyor.

Here follows his email:

Mr STAPLETON’s email contains a number of falsehoods and misrepresentations:

  • the Enquirer is fully aware of my private ‘appeal’ email to selected Potto residents and indeed the Enquirer has formally responded to those who have disclosed new areas of concern or made further enquiries about Potto Parish Council (Mr STAPLETON was not one of them);
  •  my ‘appeal’ email was not a ‘spoof’ – and Mr STAPLETON’s need to go to such extraordinary lengths to create a false narrative in support one of the most dysfunctional local Councils in the UK serves only to alert my investigative senses;
  • email addresses of selected Potto residents have been published elsewhere and were not ‘hijacked’ from the Potto Oil Purchasing group (POP); Mr STAPLETON should note that a large majority of my ‘appeal’ emails were not even sent to members of the POP group;
  • Mr STAPLETON must be aware that many Potto residents outside of his POP group were contacted, because one was Suzanne FOSTER, his live-in partner of the same address. He must, therefore, be aware that his ‘hijack’ claim is utterly false, but nevertheless he chose to use it as a pretext to contact POP members in an apparent attempt to ‘warn them off’ or dissuade them from contacting the Enquirer with their concerns. However, his email has backfired spectacularly and I thank him for increasing the profile of the Enquirer in Potto;
  • Mr STAPLETON claims to be sorry that (some) POP members received my ‘appeal’ email. In my view, what he really means is that he is sorry that Potto residents have now, in the Enquirer, a secure and confidential recipient for their concerns, without fear of the recriminations and/or bullying that has reportedly occurred in the past;
  • Mr STAPLETON’s concluding plea in BLOCK CAPITALS – to ignore my ‘appeal’ email – betrays his earnest desire to hog-tie my investigation – which, at present, provides the only prospect of the £37K tax burden reverting to those who have incurred it;
  • there are no false statements in my ‘appeal’ email (nor in any of my almost 900 articles published in the Enquirer or any other publication);
  • further infomation revealed by my investigation will also be true – and, as ever, supported by evidence. That is my policy.

Mr STAPLETON would be well advised to exercise caution before publishing arrant nonsense. However, one truth shines through – he clearly has no wish for me to dig deeper into the affairs of Potto Parish Council – or to report on my findings. One wonders why. But not, as it turns out, for long.

I have, of course, emailed Mr STAPLETON (Subject line: ***STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL***) offering him the opportunity to apologise to me and to remedy his ‘errors’. I have also provided him with a ‘right of reply’. He has ignored my press deadline . . .

Moreover, I am disappointed to report that Mr STAPLETON has shown himself to be less than honourable; I now have in my possession an email proving that he has forwarded my ***STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL*** email to several other email addresses (which I will not, for the moment, disclose). When a retired professional man of hitherto good repute casts ethics aside, there is almost invariably a measure of self-interest involved . . .

With whom, one might ask, would Mr STAPLETON wish to share the knowledge that he has been ‘rumbled’? Not, it would appear, the entire POP group. Might he, then, have felt the need to bear the embarrassment of having been ‘rumbled’ with a select few who have a special interest in the progress of my investigation?

Moving on . . .

In due course, one rather noteworthy recipient of Mr STAPLETON’s email was moved to respond; Potto Parish Councillor Ian MACPHERSON:

It will not escape readers’ attention that Councillor MACPHERSON has thereby most helpfully confirmed that ‘Gerry’ continues to support him (and, quite evidently, Potto Council), and has clearly done so for some time.

Thus, Mr STAPLETON is predetermined, far from objective, and apparently oblivious to the significance of the facts which I have reported in my previous articles (which he characterises, let us remember, as “just not true” –  without (of course) identifying those elements which he claims to be “just not true”) – and is apparently equally oblivious to the findings of the PKF LITTLEJOHN LLP External Audit Investigation and subsequent Public Interest Report (PIR) – unless he believes PKF’s findings also to be “just not true” – in which case, he is a very silly chap.

‘Gerry’ STAPLETON & Suzanne FOSTER, formerly Directors of POTTO LTD.

(photo courtesy of ‘the Riddler’)

I wonder whether or not Mr STAPLETON has examined some of Potto Parish Council’s responses to Freedom of Information requests published on the website, and judged for himself the extent of the Council’s evasion, procrastination and plain nonsense? Try this one current example of ‘rabbit-in-the-headlights’ shameless evasion, Gerry:

Or, if you prefer, consider PKF LTTLEJOHN’s conclusion:

It occurred to me that four of the incumbent Councillors (I exclude the Chair, to whom I will also return in due course – along with the Internal Auditor, Mr Roger BRISLEY), must be aware that they are not universally admired – and, indeed, in some quarters, fiercely excoriated – for their support of the Chair.

So the question arises: why do they continue propping up the WILDE regime?

Why is Mr Gerry STAPLETON so desperate to interrupt his vacation to shoot the messengers? Is he happy about the £500+ millstone that the Parish Council has slung around his neck – along with the necks of every other ratepayer in the village? Perhaps not. But perhaps he views that £500+ surcharge as a small price to pay . . . ? But for what?

Though no doubt well-known within the boundaries of tiny Parishes, it may come as a surprise to the wider readership that Parish Councillors receive no allowances, expenses, stipends or honoraria. No emoluments of any kind. So why do they do it? Is it simply the desire to be seen as pillars of the tiny local community? Or do they believe they can improve the odd footpath?

Customarily, the first line of enquiry, when suspicion arises, is: “Where’s the money?”.

At first glance, that hardly seems to apply in the present instance.

Nevertheless, we are free to ask: cui bono?

A visit to the Hambleton District Council (HDC) website confirms that none of the five incumbents has ever received a single vote from the electorate. No elections have taken place for decades because the number of candidates has never exceeded the number of available seats. There was never an opportunity to choose. No votes were cast.

Candidates had only to present their Nomination papers to automatically achieve a position on the Council. Holding no mandate from the electorate, it can reasonably be asserted that Cllrs Steve AGAR, Elma GRIFFIN, Ian MACPHERSON, Shaun MARCH (and Chair Andrew WILDE), fall within the following definition:

Between them, these self-appointed Councillors have borne the responsibility for managing (or mismanaging) the Council’s affairs and finances.

They bear the unenviable responsibilty (which may yet turn out to be their personal responsibility) for the decisions that the External Auditor, PKF LITTLEJOHN LLP, having investigated forensically over a period of years, found wanting in 97 serious instances (passing over another 229 less serious but nevertheless valid issues to spare Potto Parish Council further expense). We are discussing unlawful decisions, sometimes ultra vires decisions; i.e. decisions beyond the lawful authority of Cllrs AGAR, GRIFFIN, MACPHERSON, MARCH and WILDE).

Were these Councillors aware that many of their decisions were, at best, questionable – and, at worst, profligate, unlawful and potentially criminal?

It is the primary statutory duty of the Clerk, Mrs Joanne STOREY (née WILDE) – the Chair’s daughter (whose appointment and salary hikes are also a matter of interest, to be explored in a future article) – that she:

And yet the actions ensuing from this protracted series of disastrous management decisions have incurred a bill of £37K – an unsolicited liability conferred on the residents of Potto by the people they did NOT vote into office and demonstrably CANNOT execute their duties to the required standards, guided by a Clerk who appears to have grasped far too little of the gravity of her duties.

Despite all this, Mr Gerry STAPLETON adjures his fellow Potto residents to ignore my findings, along with PKF’s. (Hello, egg; hello, face). He proactively supports the status quo – to the tune of £500+, and counting . . .

Are these Councillors now contrite? Are they apologetic? After all, they are only ‘volunteers’, doing their best, who have failed in their (self-appointed) public duties.

Why, why, why are they still in position? After all, there has been nothing in it for them personally, has there?

Surely any circumstance from which a Councillor might be seen to be able to derive personal benefit must be declared? The law regarding the Declaration of Interests is enshrined in s.29s.34 of the Localism Act 2011 which may be reviewed here.

All Potto Parish Councillors’ Registers of Interest may be reviewed here and here.

All, that is, with the exception of Councillor Shaun MARCH (as of 31/12/22, see here and below):

But s.29(7) of the Localism Act 2011 requires (i.e. it is not optional – it is a legal obligation) that:

Councillor MARCH’s failure to register a Declaration of Interests compounds a ‘pattern of behaviour’ established by Councillor Steve AGAR, against whom a Formal Complaint was UPHELD by Hambleton District Council’s Standards Hearing Panel on Monday 12th February 2018, who found him guilty of failing to provide an accurate Declaration by omitting a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI); to wit, his paid employment (Mr AGAR describes himself as a ‘Planning Agent’).

Councillor MARCH’s transgression confirms that the Recommendations of the PKF LITTLEJOHN PIR, regarding the Council’s requirement to evince “structured learning”, has fallen on stone-deaf ears.

It is also worth noting that s.34 of the Localism Act 2011 states, inter alia:

Councillor Shaun MARCH has allowed himself to stray outside of the law; as did Councillor Steve AGAR. And the Council (i.e. the Clerk) has failed to prevent him from doing so. One wonders why. Again (it turns out), not for very long.

And why does Mr Gerry STAPLETON refuse to embrace the incontrovertible evidence already available in the public domain?

It is the legal duty [s.29(1) of the Localism Act 2011] of Hambleton District Council Monitoring Officer, Mr Gary NELSON, to maintain an up-to-date Register of all District and Parish Councillors’ Interests. Oh, dear.

Many will seek to dismiss breaches of the law of this sort as trivial, de minimus. This is woefully wrong. Those sections of the Localism Act 2011 cited above are in place to protect the public interest. They, and other laws upholding probity in public life, are intended to prevent (as far as can be made possible) those who enjoy the public trust from abusing their positions for private gain. Transparency International has adopted this elegantly concise definition as its slogan:

“CORRUPTION is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain.”

My work is to expose corruption.

Ah, Potto – that sleepy parish in North Yorkshire with a mysterious affection for secrecy . . .

In Part 2 of this article, I will begin to spell out exactly what this secrecy conceals.

Finally, readers who believe that they have successfully solved the ‘Riddle-me-ree‘ reproduced near the top of the page are invited to submit their solutions, by email (with the words ‘RIDDLE-ME-REE‘ in the Subject line) to:
