Peter Batchelor – North Yorks Enquirer Thu, 06 Apr 2017 19:31:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SBC: The Great Asbestos Scare – Mystery Deepens Wed, 15 Mar 2017 12:24:50 +0000 SBC: The Great Asbestos Scare – Mystery Deepens

  • an “In My View” article by NIGEL WARD, reporting on the mystery surrounding reports of life-endangering asbestos fibres contaminating The Futurist Theatre.


When Yorkshire Coast Radio published, on 3rd March 2017, an article entitled “Asbestos Found in Scarborough’s Futurist Theatre”, few readers doubted that YCR must have been referring to recent discoveries made by contractors RILMAC of Lincoln.

  • “Warning people not to enter the building due to this danger.”

The report followed persistent rumours – and credible reports directly to me from Borough Councillors – that asbestos had been located and removed in an unsafe and slipshod manner. This prompted me to write to RILMAC, and the Press Statement reproduced below was issued in direct response to my enquiry.

That YCR UPDATE (timed, by the way, at 11:33am on Monday 13th March 2017) appeared about an hour after the North Yorks Enquirer published the following Press Statement from RILMAC. (Indeed, it was I who passed the RILMAC Press Statement along to YCR):

That same day, the Enquirer asked Portfolio Holder Councillor Mike COCKERILL [Ind.] to disclose who it was who provided him with the information that gave rise to the YCR headline – “Asbestos Found in Scarborough’s Futurist Theatre”.

Unsurprisingly, no response has yet been received.

Yesterday (Tuesday 14th March 2017), I spoke at some length with RILMAC’s Marketing & Communications Co-ordinator Mr Peter BATCHELOR, who was extremely helpful and open about his company’s involvement.

He was able to assure me that the work carried out successfully by RILMAC operatives had no connection whatsoever with the detection or removal of asbestos and could therefore not have given grounds for the YCR story – or the rumours mentioned above.

He was unable to assist me in identifying who it was who had placed the warning signs in the entrance to The Futurist Theatre (see featured image above this article) or on what basis it was deemed advisable for SBC Officers, or for Councillor Mike COCKERILL [Ind.], to issue information to YCR such as would justify the great asbestos scare or the warning sign.

In the absence of a definitive statement from Councillor Mike COCKERILL [Ind.], or from Officers of Scarborough Borough Council, we are left to speculate on the probability that the great asbestos scare was a figment of the Portfolio Holder’s imagination, conjured up, perhaps, to bolster the SBC determination that The Futurist Theatre would never again be suitable as a public venue.

Former attendees of shows at The Futurist Theatre now suffering from asbestos related symptoms may be well-advised to seek their own medical and legal advice – just in case Councillor Mike COCKERILL [Ind.] was telling the truth.

That The Futurist Theatre does contain asbestos is, given its age, almost certain. However, there would appear to be no greater risk now that the theatre is empty than there was during its entire working life, when thousands (myself included) enjoyed some terrific shows there – with no discernible health consequences.


Futurist: Asbestos Rumours Scotched Mon, 13 Mar 2017 10:54:17 +0000 Futurist: Asbestos Rumours Denied

Following recent rumours, widely circulated on social media, to the effect that Scarborough Borough Council had engaged a specialist asbestos removal contractor to begin assessment and removal of hazardous matrrials from The Futurist Theatre, and that work had been carried out in a slipshod and dangerous manner, the North Yorks Enquirer is now able to publish the following definitive statement form Rilmac Insulation & Asbestos Services:


“Following the concerns raised by the North Yorks Enquirer Rilmac Insulation & Asbestos Services are happy to confirm that they were not on site at the Futurist Theatre Scarborough for the removal or management of asbestos.  We were contracted to complete what is known as a needle sweep looking for needles and other drugs paraphernalia.  These sweeps also identify faeces from vermin and other issues which may cause a hazard for operatives from other companies.  On this occasion no needles were found and, after complete removal of the animal faeces, we left site.  At no point did we disturb or damage any asbestos at the venue.”

 – ENDS –

Supporters of the Save the Futurist movement will no doubt be greatly relieved to learn this information.

Marketing & Communications Co-ordinator Mr Peter  BATCHELOR has kindly made himself available to respond to future enquiries, for which we are most grateful. Thank you, Peter!
