Heather Relf – North Yorks Enquirer http://nyenquirer.uk Thu, 05 Jul 2018 20:38:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.4 “House of Secrets” http://nyenquirer.uk/house-of-secrets/ Tue, 26 Jun 2018 09:00:30 +0000 http://nyenquirer.uk/?p=18515 A Letter to the Editor from Ali WILKINS of Scarborough, who responds to Councillor Rob BARNETT’s recent Letter (itself a response to a Letter from Heather RELF), commenting on the affection for secrecy that permeates Scarborough Borough Council Town Hall.


Dear Editor,

I write in response to SBC Councillor Rob Barnett who wrote recently in support of the excellent letter from Heather Relf “L A Confidential” on the culture of secrecy at SBC.

Many of us are becoming more aware of the secrecy and what they get up to because much of it is exposed in the media. I am sure people will to put pen to paper as long as the Leader and his incumbent Portfolio Holders continue to be as transparent as mud and leave themselves wide open when they inevitably slip up. There is a saying by Sir Walter Scott:

Cllr Rob Barnett highlights the fact that the Vote of No Confidence meeting webcast has been removed from the SBC website. Think removal may have been premature but maybe SBC deletes all webcasts after a while – but isn’t that drawing a curtain down over transparency?”

I noticed the webcast had been removed when my attempts to access the elusive Standards Committee failed and I put my concerns about this meeting to the Local Government Ombudsman. I have sent a link to a Youtube video of the No Confidence meeting to the LGO so they could see first-hand what is normal practice when anything is challenged by the opposition.

So not wishing to deprive anyone of this oligarchic experience I have posted a similar link to one of a number of videos on you tube of this meeting for any of you to view or share.

It is worthy to note that there is a comment on this posting with a question, and I quote:


Cllr Fox, who is so used to agreeing with his party, voted ‘FOR‘. This prompted Lisa Dixon to ask him again and he then changed his vote to ‘AGAINST‘. This was accompanied by tumultuous cheering and clapping.

For those who missed what appeared to be a well-rehearsed meeting, the Mayor closed the meeting because the public in the gallery clapped. No cheering just clapping.

Perhaps in future, mime-clapping in support of Councillors might be the way forward – unless of course the public want to close the meeting!

Kind regards,

Ali Wilkins

“Non-Responsive” – Cllr Blasts SBC Secrecy http://nyenquirer.uk/non-responsive-cllr-blasts-sbc-secrecy/ Tue, 19 Jun 2018 17:00:47 +0000 http://nyenquirer.uk/?p=18473 A Letter to the Editor from SBC Councillor Rob BARNETT [Lab.] (Whitby Streonshalh), who responds to a recent contribution from Heather RELF, addressing the culture of secrecy at Scarborough Borough Council.


Dear Editor,
I refer to H. Relf’s letter, “L A Confidential”.
As a Borough Councillor, albeit on the Opposition benches, I have to agree with much of what Ms Relf has to say.
You are run by a top-down Strong Leader and Cabinet Model, which is heavily biased towards the sort of decision making we now see.
In other words, the sovereignty of the people is in jeopardy to a kind of oligarchic system which can afford to shut down debate and act in a covert way because they have the authority (?) and mind to do so.
For instance, there are numerous occasions when democratic debate has been disallowed through protocol. The involvement of the public is not welcome and is dismissed.
Who will forget the shut-down of the Council Chamber on the occasion of the debate of “No Confidence”? I may be wrong, but it is probably the case that the whole episode has been erased from webcast?
I fully understand that the Council must balance the books – this is, after all, a model of austerity politics that is imposed up and down the land on Local Councils.
However, they do not have to act in such a way that confidentiality and the mystery of smoke and mirrors are invoked to keep us all in the dark.
My duty is to the good people who live in my ward. I cannot, in all honesty, answer the questions that are asked of me. Why should I not be able to answer some of the questions Ms Relf raises? These are legitimate questions that require an answer. My answer is simply that I do not know.
Those running affairs would do well to reflect that the tail can only wag the dog for so long. In the interests of debate and openness, we need to assert who is sovereign in this process, i.e. the people.
Ms Relf is right to air her concerns and deserves some answers.
Cllr Rob Barnett
9 Esk Terrace, Whitby YO21 1PA
“Scarborough Borough Council (LA) Confidential” http://nyenquirer.uk/scarborough-borough-council-la-confidential/ Fri, 25 May 2018 12:00:04 +0000 http://nyenquirer.uk/?p=18193 “Scarborough Borough Council (LA) Confidential”

A Letter to the Editor from Heather RELF of Whitby, who writes to appeal for greater transparency from our second-tier Local Authority (LA) – Scarborough Borough Council – or, in simpler terms, where’s the money?


Dear Editor,

Scarborough Borough Council (LA) Confidential

As a Whitby voter, I have tried to get to the bottom of some basic fundamental, democratic questions. Quite simply, where is our money going? I deserve to be told what is happening concerning the income and expenditure side of the balance sheet. Surely that is not an unreasonable expectation. However, there appears to be a big obstacle – confidentiality and commercial sensitivity!

The obvious question is, why the secrecy? Is it because of incompetence? Is it so important that the taxpayer be kept in the dark? Why do decision makers resort to the comfort blanket of confidentiality?

I can refer to a few examples that continue to perplex and frustrate Whitby residents:

  • Where are the audited accounts for the past two years? Ongoing legal challenge? What is it?
  • The mystery of the quantity and distribution of harbour monies.
  • The awarding of commercial rights in harbour operations.
  • The amount and distribution of monies from the Jeremy Clarkson event.
  • The audited accounts from the Market Place.

Money coming in, but where is the investment in the town?

Ask the questions, and – of course – it is confidential!

As a resident, all I want, and doubtless others too, is open and transparent answers.

Unfortunately, the cloak of confidentiality seems to suggest, either real or imagined, incompetence and cover up.

What is the issue with honesty and openness? We should never forget who pays the wages!

In confidence,

A.N.Other (a.k.a. Heather Relf)

Heather RELF, Whitby. 25th May, 2018.

“It is a DISGRACE!” http://nyenquirer.uk/it-is-a-disgrace/ Tue, 26 Sep 2017 07:00:16 +0000 http://nyenquirer.uk/?p=15404 A Letter to the Editor from Heather RELF, of Whitby, writing in response to Councillor Rob BARNETT’s letter (“Down at the Bottom of the Heap”) of 14th September 2017.


Dear Editor,


I refer to Rob Barnett’s letter on the subject of our Borough being ‘the low pay capital of Britain.’ Having read the article referred to in the letter, I am appalled at how pompous and condescending Council Leader Bastiman and the Rt Hon Robert Goodwill sounded.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Cllr Derek BASTIMAN [Con.] (left) with Robert GOODWILL MP [another Con.]

For two such civic leaders to believe they live in the best place on earth, simply beggars belief! It displays a complete lack of concern and understanding of the reality facing the majority of people in this area.

I refer to some of the chronic problems in our borough, faced by people in low-paid, seasonal work:

  • diminished benefits,
  • a housing crisis,
  • few decent paid jobs,
  • poor pay,
  • NHS meltdown,
  • social care chaos,
  • poor bus services…

This is the reality in the ‘Low Pay Capital of Britain’.

Of course, according to our esteemed leaders, we will all benefit from the “trickle-down” of wealth from Potash, which is the equivalent of Whitby’s ‘magic money tree’. For me, it is disgraceful for them to be so dismissive of the plight of so many; how patronising to embellish this by saying that this Borough is the best place in the world. Try the local food bank!

It really is time for change. In many ways, their self-aggrandisement speaks volumes, because it is fine for those who are comfortably off and who do not have to struggle on a day-to-day basis. The rest of us can wait for the “trickle-down”.

Dream on!

Heather Relf

Heather RELF, Whitby. 25th September 2017.


“The Fourth Estate” http://nyenquirer.uk/the-fourth-estate/ Thu, 10 Nov 2016 16:37:35 +0000 http://nyenquirer.uk/?p=11558 A Letter to the Editor from Heather RELF of Whitby, a retired teacher who values the work of investigative-journalists in general – and the North Yorks Enquirer team in particular. Thank you, Hether.


Dear Editor,

In the current climate of widespread disillusionment with local and mainstream politics and media sensationalism, I am glad that we have the opportunity to access high quality, investigative journalism at a local level. I refer to the North Yorks Enquirer and the way in which it continues to expose the malaise in public life. Such frank and insightful journalism is a breath of fresh air in a corporate controlled media world. A free, opinionated and truly investigative media really is the bedrock of society. Without the intervention of the media in the democratic process, we undermine the very democracy that has been fought for in both the past and present.

The North Yorks Enquirer’s recent efforts to hold our own particular “rotten borough” (a Private Eye description of Scarborough Borough Council!) to account have made very interesting reading. I take my hat off to the journalists for pursuing, no doubt at great personal expense, and continuing to pursue issues that benefit from being in the public domain. The following coverage, for example, made salutary reading:

  • The Peter Jaconelli investigation
  • The Futurist Theatre saga
  • The Ben Marriott corruption scandal
  • The treatment by the Council of Cllr Donohue-Moncrieff

Left to our traditional local newspapers, we the public, would be almost completely in the dark about some of the most disturbing Council actions of recent times. The NYE continues to provide depth and detail, meticulously researched and lucidly presented. I, for one, am grateful to be able to read in depth articles that draw attention to subject matter that might otherwise be conveniently buried!

Without critical friendship and incisive analysis from the media, our hard won rights are quickly eroded. Long may the North Yorks Enquirer continue to thrive! We need you!


Heather Relf

Heather RELF, Whitby. 11th November, 2016.

“No Safe Harbour” http://nyenquirer.uk/no-safe-harbour/ Fri, 09 Sep 2016 10:35:45 +0000 http://nyenquirer.uk/?p=10997 “No Safe Harbour”

A Letter to the Editor from Heather RELF of Whitby, in reaction to a Statement on the subject of the parlous state of Whitby Piers, delivered to Scarborough Borough Councillors by Councillor Mike COCKERILL [Ind.], in response to a prepared cue from SBC Councillor Joe PLANT [Con.].

Councillor Mike COCKERILL [Ind.] is the SBC Portfolio Holder for Harbours, Assets, Coast & Flood Protection – and no stranger to the North Yorks Enquirer.

Councillor COCKERILL’s Statement – for those who wish to read it – is reproduced beneath Heather’s letter.


Dear Editor,

Re: Whitby Piers and Mike Cockerill

“Who do you think you are kidding Mr Cockerill, if you think old Whitby’s done?”

Whilst watching on line, I witnessed with disbelief your plaintive, hard done by, misrepresented moan during the Scarborough Borough Council full council meeting! If only we could believe you.

Unfortunately, this did not wash with many in Whitby. To put matters briefly:

  1. It appears you are engaged in more delaying tactics.
  2. Your engagement with the people of Whitby is negligible.

Very simply, Mr Cockerill, we are approximately £4 million short, by your estimation, of getting the funding. Moreover, it appears you do not have a clue how to get it! You allude to the fact that contributions will be sought from “other responsible authorities”, including North Yorks CC and Whitby Town Council. Where do you honestly think that the likes of NYCC and Whitby TC are going to get that sort of money in this climate of swingeing cuts?

By stating that, “….the aim of the council, providing the necessary funding had been secured, was to start the work on the piers during the third quarter of 2017” seems to me to be paving the way for doing nothing, then laying the blame at the feet of these councils for not coughing up the money.

Perhaps it would be better to admit defeat, give the Harbour in Whitby to its rightful owner, Whitby Town Council, and let them collect the revenues from Harbour land. If this could be the case, rest assured the right thing would be done for The Town!

No harm in admitting defeat, Mr Cockerill, but please stop pretending you are the right man for the job and actually care about the state of Whitby. When was the last time you came before Whitby Town Council to explain what is going on? I am sure you would be most welcome!

“Don’t panic?” I’m not so sure!

Heather Relf

Heather RELF, Whitby. 9th September, 2016.

Download the PDF file COCKERILL Statement.
